Waste-to-Resources 2005 MBT 2005 - International Symposium MBT - Mechanical-Biological Treatment of municipal solid waste - | |
Application of the Dome Aeration Method in South Africa Prof. Kobus Vorster, Tshepo Magongwa The Dome Aeration Method, developed at the Technical University Dresden, is an accelerated composting method for the pre-treatment of domestic solid waste before landfilling. It is particularly suitable for developing countries because it is based on lowtechnology. This paper explores the suitability of this method for application in rural South Africa. Download |
Basics of MBT and waste management system in Germany Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier The EC landfill directive demands the reduction of bio-degradable organic input into landfills. Separate collection of organic kitchen and garden waste for compost production is a first, useful and efficient step to reduce the organic landfill input. Download |
Ex situ bioremediation of old landfills by MBT Dr. Hans-Joachim Kahle, Dr. Liliana Krzystek, Prof. Dr. Stanislaw Ledakowicz In this paper, the ex situ neutralization of biologically active municipal landfills by carrying out processes of enhanced co-degradation with fresh household derived biowaste in bioreactors is presented. Download |
Management of Municipal Solid Waste in China - Mechanical Biological Treatment can be an Option? Prof. Dr. habil. Bernhard Raninger, Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier, , Wang Qi The Sino-German RRU-BMW Research Project to apply BMWM within the Framework of Waste Management related Policies. Biological Treatment of urban solid waste has a history of about 20 years in China, but due to low technology standards and polluted feedstock resources the output material compost was not accepted by the users. The Chinese MSW contains twice biodegradable organic matter as in Europe. Some cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou are re-considering the treatment of organic wastes in parallel to the limited sucessfull operated incineration plants and land fills. Download |
Mechanical-biological pre-treatment of municipal solid waste in Asia Prof. Dr. Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Dr. Ing. Josef Tränkler, Prof. Dr. Chart Chiemchaisri The potential of mechanical-biological pre-treatment (MBP) technology was recognized in Asian countries. The processes involves concur with the needed treatment for the waste quality and environmental conditions in developing economies. The high organic fraction and moisture content of solid waste were potential for MBP. This technology extensively enhanced waste stabilization and provides various advantages. Download |
Sustainable landfilling and mechanical biological treatment of MSW: a Japanese view Ph.D. Bulent Inanc, Yuzo Inoue, Masato Yamada Landfills generate methane gas contributing global warming and infiltrated water passing through unstabilized waste results in polluted leachate generation which requires treatment. MBT processes do not produce final storage quality end-products. Therefore, MBT wastes should be landfilled and emissions should be monitored and controlled for decades or more. Download |
Could MBT Become the Most Significant Waste Management Option? Dr. Egan Archer, Joe Schwager, Kevin Whiting This paper reports on a major year-long worldwide study into Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) of municipal waste carried out by Juniper with the support of SITA Environmental Trust through the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme, with additional support from the European industry association, ASSURRE. Juniper’s MBT study is entitled - ‘Mechanical Biological Treatment: A guide for decision makers - Processes, Policies and Markets’ – and includes appraisals of over 30 MBT reference sites in 9 different countries. Download |
Stellenwert und Perspektiven der MBA in Europa Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steiner In den abfallwirtschaftlich hochentwickelten Ländern Zentral- und Nordeuropas ist der Beitrag mechanisch-biologischer Technik als Option für die Konditionierung von Restabfällen vor der Ablagerung entweder weitgehend geleistet (Beispiel: Deutschland, Österreich) bzw. spielt die MBA neben der thermischen Option keine Rolle (Schweiz, Skandinavien). Download |
Practical experience with MBT in emerging nations – Example Brazil Christiane Dias Pereira Wilhelm Faber GmbH is part of the Faber Group and has operated successfully in the market for many years. By applying our expertise and know-how, we plan, build and operate technical plants and projects. We are especially concerned with the protection of natural resources and the environment. One problem in our consumer society requires a particularly urgent solution: The environmentally sound treatment of the waste masses. Download |
Möglichkeiten der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung in Ungarn Dipl.-Ing. Beata Bagi Die Abfallbehandlung erfolgt in Ungarn heute noch größtenteils in Form der Entsorgung, vor allem durch Deponierung. Etwa 75 Prozent der Sonderabfälle, 80 Prozent der Siedlungsabfälle und etwa die Hälfte der Klärschlämme werden deponiert. Zurzeit sind in Ungarn 728 registrierte Abfalldeponien in Betrieb, nur 10% davon verfügen über eine komplette Abdichtung. Physikalisch-chemische, biologische oder thermische Behandlungsmethoden kommen für weniger als 10 Prozent der Abfälle zum Einsatz. Eine Müllverbrennungsanlage in Budapest verarbeitet 360.000 Mg Hausmüll pro Jahr (2002). Download |
MBT before landfilling in France – state of the art and results of mass balance in SDEE – Mende Landfill J. de Araújo Morais, Faouzia Achour, G. Ducom, R. Bayard Recently, several French communities have shown interest towards the installations of mechanical and biological treatment of their domestic waste in order to respond to the requirements of the European regulation. This paper presents the current situation of MBT waste in France, based on the experience of the French units, and approaches in particular: the process configurations, the pre-treatment durations, the landfilling capacity, the quantity of processed waste per year and the expected residual waste quality. Download |
Erfahrungen bei Erweiterung und Umbau der beiden MBA Linkenbach und Singhofen Dr.-Ing. Joachim Dach, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bode Vor dem Hintergrund der Anforderungen der 30. BImSchV und der Abfallablagerungsverordnung wurden die beiden mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen Linkenbach und Singhofen (Rheinland-Pfalz, genehmigt jeweils für 90.000 Mg/a) angepasst und erweitert. Das neue Anlagenkonzept, das bei beiden Anlagen eine zweistufige Rotte mit offener, saugbelüfteter Nachrotte vorsieht, wird hier vorgestellt. Download |
Bewertung von MBA in Großbritannien Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Niesar, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller, Master of Science Neil Sharpe Die EU-Deponierichtlinie und deren Umsetzung ist der maßgebliche Impuls für die Konzeption und Realisierung von MBA-Anlagen in Großbritannien. Deshalb werden im vorliegenden Text zunächst die spezifischen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Großbritannien im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung der EU-Deponierichtlinie dargestellt. Download |
Ertüchtigung der Nachrotte in MBAs durch das Dombelüftungsverfahren (DBV) Dr.-Ing. Joachim Brummack, Dipl.-Ing. Béla Kolos Bartha MBA-Anlagen haben sich zu einem festen Bestandteil der Restabfallbeseitigung und – nutzung entwickelt. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit Betriebsproblemen in den aeroben biologischen Prozessstufen, deren Ursachen sowie Möglichkeiten zur Lösung. Download |
Improvement of water and air permeability of landfilling sludge by mixing treatment with the other waste Hiroshi Asakura, Yuzo Inoue, Masato Yamada, Kazuto Endo, Yusaku Ono Early stabilization of landfilled waste requires the finish of reaction in landfill layer. The main internal reaction, i.e. mineralization of organic matter and washing out of soluble matter might be accelerated by improvement of mobility of water and gas in landfill layer. Download |
Übersicht über Anwendungsgebiete, Funktionsweise und Entwicklungsbedarf der thermischen Abgasreinigung mit regenerativer Abluftvorwärmung. Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Reindorf, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Carlowitz, Dipl.-Ing Olaf Neese Bei zahlreichen Prozessen entstehen Emissionen von organischen Verbindungen, z.B. Lösemittel in Lackieranlagen oder Methan aus Rotteprozessen, welche die vorgegebenen Grenzwerte überschreiten und somit eine Nachbehandlung erfordern. Download |
Stoffstrom- und Prozessanalyse an MBA-Anlagen Dr.-Ing. Bertram Zwisele Die politischen Vorgaben, Siedlungsabfälle ab 2020 vollständig zu verwerten, können nur dann umgesetzt werden, wenn in den kommenden Jahren erhebliche Anstrengungen in der Abfallbehandlungstechnik unternommen werden. Download |
Energiesparende Antriebstechnik für Zerkleinerer Jens Heinz Durch die stetig steigenden Energiekosten werden die Betreiber von MBA-Anlagen gezwungen vermehrtes Augenmerk auf energiesparende Technik zu legen. Download |
Erfahrungen aus dem Betrieb der MBA Schwanebeck Dr. Matthias Kleinke Nach etwa einjähriger Bauzeit ging die MBA Schwanebeck im Februar 2005 in den Probebetrieb. 32.500 t/a Hausmüll und hausmüllähnliche Gewerbeabfälle werden hier zunächst mechanisch und dann biologisch behandelt. Der vergleichsweise überschaubare Jahresdurchsatz erfordert eine schlichte und damit wenig störungsanfällige Anlagenkonzeption. Download |
Beste verfügbare Technik bei Abfallbehandlungsanlagen Professor Siegfried Kalmbach Abstract Die IVU-Richtlinie der Europäischen Union von 1996 fordert bei allen umweltrelevanten industriellen Anlagen, zu denen auch Abfallentsorgungsanlagen zählen, die Anwendung der „Besten verfügbaren Techniken (BVT)“, in Deutschland definiert als „Stand der Technik“. Download |
The Australian Experience of MBT Submissions Mohan Selvaraj Alternative waste management systems offer the technologies that may be technically, environmentally and financially viable, but need to specifically address regulatory issues, community perception and skeptism of claims made. Download |
Belüftung als Instrument zur Prozessoptimierung von Intensivrotteverfahren in MBA-Anlagen Dipl.-Ing. Birte Mähl Die in Intensivrotteverfahren ablaufenden aeroben Abbaureaktionen sind von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig, die Einfluss auf die mikrobielle Aktivität ausüben und damit sowohl die Abbaugeschwindigkeit als auch den Abbaugrad der organischen Substanzen bestimmen. Download |
Zusammenführung von Biogas aus den MBAs mit Deponiegas sowie Technik und Sicherheitsaspekte an den Beispielen Pohlsche Heide (Heisterholz), Lübeck (Niemark) und Göttingen (Südniedersachsen) Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang H. Stachowitz, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Meier Bei der Zusammenschaltung von Deponiegas- und Biogasanlagen kommt es immer wieder zu Schwierigkeiten in den technischen Auslegungen und Abstimmungen, da es unterschiedliche Heizwerte („Methangehalte“) in diesen Anlagen gibt. Einige dieser Schwierigkeiten und deren Lösungen werden im Folgenden vorgestellt. Download |
Glue produced by recycling Polystyrene Dr. Lazaros Tsikritzis, Georgios Triantafillou, Haris Lianas According to the bibliography, over 20% of the Solid Waste consists of plastic. One category of the Solid Waste is the polystyrene (PS), which can be used as a material of cementation. PS can melt under the reaction of the appropriate solvent and become liquid glue. This kind of glue, the polystyrene glue, can cement not only a specific category of material but many other materials of general use as well. It has been noticed that this glue has good results in wood cementation. Download |
Mechanical - Biological Treatment and residual waste landfill in France: a case study. R. Bayard, C. de Brauer, G. Ducom, J. de Araújo Morais, Faouzia Achour In partnership with a local waste management public organisation (SDEE Mende, Lozère, France), the French Environmental Protection Agency ADEME started a research program involving several research laboratories: - to evaluate the efficiency of the Mechanical – Biological pre-Treatment (MBT) of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and, - to study, on a full-scale basis, the disposal and emissions behaviour of the pretreated waste. Download |
Extensive Environmental Technologies for Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste and Waste Water Dr. Peter Schalk Mechanical and biological treatment has been established as a concept of handling municipal solid waste. The biological process aims to degrade the organic fraction of the waste to a stabilized product through fermentation and rotting processes. The final maturation produces a depositable residual waste. Download |
Perkolatwasseraufbereitung als Verfahrensschritt zwischen dem Perkolator und dem Fermenter am Beispiel des ISKA® - Verfahrens Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Dalhoff Im Rahmen der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallhandlung für Restmüll liefert die Fa. Hans Huber AG in einem ersten Schritt Maschinentechnik zur Abtrennung von Schwerstoffen und Sand. In einem zweiten Schritt werden über spezielle Siebanlagen Faserstoffe abgetrennt. Download |
Percolation water treatment as a process step between percolator and digester Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Dalhoff Within the scope of mechanical-biological treatment for municipal waste the company Hans Huber AG supplies in a first step mechanical solutions for separation of heavy materials and grit. By using special screening equipment fibrous material is separated in a second step. Download |
Abwasserfreies Sandaufbereitungsverfahren bei der Aufbereitung von Sanden aus der Kompostaufbereitung am Beispiel der MBA Neumünster Oliver Haub Um den Anteil der mineralischen Fraktion aus dem mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandelten Restabfall separieren zu können, ist die nassmechanische Aufbereitung in das Stoffstromkonzept der MBA Neumünster integriert worden. Hierbei wird in einem ersten Schritt die aus der Feinaufbereitung separierte Organikfraktion mit vorgesiebtem Wasser gemischt und dann dem Sandaufbereitungsverfahren, bestehend aus Sandwäsche und Siebanlage, zugeführt. Download |
Study of the organic matter contained in leachate resulting from two modes of landfilling: leachate recirculation and mechanical- biological pretreatment before landfilling Céline Berthe, G. Feuillade, Estelle Redon Landfilling remains the most widely used treatment process of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW). Today two main landfilling approaches are developping such as Bioreactor concept and Mechanical-Biological Pretreatment (MBP) before landfilling. Download |
Basics and concepts for landfilling of MBT output Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier MBT-output differs significantly from untreated municipal waste. It is much more homogeneous, has a smaller average grain size and low biological activity. Download |
Reinigung von Prozess- und Sickerwasser mit ZeeWeed®-UF Membranen Martin Brockmann, Heribert Möslang, Thomas Buer Membranbioreaktoren (MBRs) werden schon seit einigen Jahren zur Aufbereitung von Prozess- und insbesondere Deponiesickerwasser eingesetzt. Diese trennen durch Membranfiltration bei einer biologischen Abwasserreinigung den belebten Schlamm vom gereinigten Abwasser. Download |
Mechanical Biological Treatment of wastes: overcoming barriers and reducing risk in the UK Costas Velis, Richard Smith, Anurag Garg, Prof. Simon Pollard, Daryl Hill Summary sheet: Background, aim, methods, beneficiaries and conclusions. Download |
Environmental Impacts of Landfilling MBT Residues Howard Robinson The EU Landfill Directive seeks to reduce greenhouse gas missions by requiring Member States to reduce amounts of biodegradable wastes being landfilled. Download |
Comparison of the SRI and DR4 biodegradation test methods for assessing the biodegradability of untreated and MBT treated municipal solid waste Andrew R. Godley, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller, Jim Frederickson, Heather Barcker The Environment Agency of England and Wales has sponsored research into evaluating organic waste biodegradability test methods for monitoring the diversion of biodegradable waste from landfill following treatment by MBT and other processes. The methods that were subsequently selected for this application were the aerobic DR4 and the anaerobic BM100 tests. Download |
Von der Forschung zur Praxis - Infrarotspektroskopie und thermische Analyse in der Prozesskontrolle Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Lechner Die Erfolgskontrolle der biologischen Behandlung basiert in der Praxis auf der Untersuchung verschiedener chemischer oder biologischer Parameter, die die Stabilität des Materials anzeigen. Download |
Thermische Reststoffverwertung in der Wirbelschicht am Beispiel Neumünster Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Anderl, Dipl.-Ing. Elmar Offenbacher In Hinblick auf das Inkrafttreten der Deponieverordnung (TASi) am 01.06.2005 erhielt Austrian Energy & Environment AG von den Stadtwerken Neumünster (SWN) im Juni 2003 den Auftrag zur Errichtung einer Kesselanlage mit zirkulierender Wirbelschichtfeuerung für die thermischen Verwertung von Ersatzbrennstoffen mit einer Nettowärmeleistung von 75 MWth. Download |
Aggregate zur Aufbereitung von Abfällen und SBS: Störungen, Schäden, Verschleiß und Überprüfung von Garantiewerten Dipl.- Ing. Manfred Kanthak Für die mechanische Aufbereitung von Abfällen werden Aggregate zur Zerkleinerung, Siebung und Förderung einsetzt, die durch im Abfall enthaltene Störstoffe beschädigt werden können. Im Beitrag werden einige dieser Schadensfälle beschrieben. Download |
European Market Development - Solid Recovered Fuel from MBT plants Craig Ibbetson, John Chappell, Dr. Kurt Wengenroth This paper reviews the growth in volume and liquidity of the European market for Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and discusses the development of SRF as a tradable commodity. It considers the drivers and barriers that are in place and describes the potential opportunities and threats for this method of managing waste and generating energy. When considering the production of products (as opposed to disposing of waste) it is important to understand the needs of the customer; In this respect SRF production is no different. Download |
Theorie und Praxis der Vermarktung von Sekundärbrenn-und rohstoffen Herbert Roth Die GOA produziert für die Vermarktung zwei unterschiedliche Ersatzbrennstoffe, deren Herstellung kurz dargelegt wird. Die Mittelkalorik kann zur Zeit nur von zwei Anlagen genutzt werden, so dass hier ein Angebotsüberhang besteht der die Vermarktung erschwert. Eine Pelletierung der Mittelkalorik um eine geforderte Dichte zu erreichen bedeutete Probleme. Download |
Producing an agriculturally usable fine fraction by MBT of municipal solid waste Bernard Morvan In France more than a hundred MBT plants were working twenty years ago. Most of them stopped because without maturation there was little difference with direct land spreading. There is not a fundamental difference between a composting plant and a MBT plant to treat MSW. Due to the production of compost, the quantity of stabilised waste to be put in landfill (composting rejects) are reduced. Download |
Tauglichkeit von Biofilterkonzepten für die Abluftreinigung Dr.-Ing. Carsten Cuhls, Dr. Joachim Clemens Bei Biofiltern zur Abluftreinigung sind Auslegungs- und Konstruktionsmängel bzw. fehlende Wartung und Betriebskontrollen problematisch. Download |
MBA-Ablufttechnik am Beispiel der MBA Lübeck Dr.-Ing. Jörg Stockinger, Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Martens, Dr. rer. nat Roland Kahn Durch die neuen gesetzlichen Regelungen in Deutschland gelten für die Abluftemissionen aus MBA-Anlagen ähnlich strenge Emissionsgrenzwerte wie für Müllverbrennungsanlagen. Download |
Results of continuous measurements of exhaust gas from intensive processing Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier Regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO) is a very effective way to treat especially gaseous organic emissions (VOC) from mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT) plants. To reduce the exhaust gas treatment costs, it is advantageous, to reduce the exhaust gas volume and enrich the VOC content to a certain level. Download |
Aktueller Stand der Ablagerung mechanisch-biologisch behandelter Abfälle in Niedersachsen Wolfgang Bräcker Die Ergebnisse einer u. a. vom Land Niedersachsen geförderten Forschung bildeten eine wesentliche Grundlage, dass gemäß der Abfallablagerungsverordnung neben einer thermischen Abfallbehandlung auch eine mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung zulässig ist. Download |
The Role of MBT in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfill Disposal of MSW J. Pan, N. Voulvoulis The Landfill Directive aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of landfilling mainly by reducing the quantity of organic matter deposit fed, through measures such as the separate collection and recycling of the organic waste stream or pre-treatment of residual wastes before landfilling. Besides incineration or other thermal processes, mechanical biological treatment is playing an increasingly important role. Download |
Characterization of organic matter in Municipal Solid Wastes: a pertinent tool for the assessment of a mechanicalbiological treatment. Faouzia Achour, J. de Araújo Morais, Maxim Rouez, C. de Brauer, G. Ducom A methodology of characterization of organic matter was developed and applied to assess the efficiency of a mechanical and biological pre-treatment (MBT) performed on a landfill site at Mende (France). Download |
Waste-to-Resources 20072. Internationale Tagung MBA 2007 II. International Symposium MBT- Mechanical-Biological Treatment of municipal solid waste and automatic waste sorting - |
Neue nationale Vorgaben für MBA: Erfahrungen der ersten zwei Jahre aus Sicht eines Anlagenbetreibers Dipl.-Ing., Master of Arts Andreas Warnstedt, Dr.-Ing. Joachim Dach, Dipl.-Ing. Günter Müller Der 1. Juni 2005 bedeutete einen Meilenstein in der Abfallwirtschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Neue nationale rechtliche Vorgaben bargen neue Herausforderungen insbesondere für den Betrieb von MBA. Download |
Two Years of Experience with New German Regulations for MBT Plants: View of an MBT Operator Dipl.-Ing., Master of Arts Andreas Warnstedt, Dr.-Ing. Joachim Dach, Dipl.-Ing. Günter Müller 1st June, 2005 signified a milestone for the waste management of the Federal Republic of Germany. New national regulations set new challenges in particular for operators of MBT plants. In this context the past two years were marked by the appearance of facility- and process-engineering difficulties and coping. Download |
Suitability of MBT Facilities in Treatment of Different Kinds of Wastes Dr. Sergio Scotti, Ing. Carlo Minetti The results of Ecodeco’s long-term experience in managing MBT plants based on the Biocubi aerobic process are presented. These plants are based on a modular architecture that ensures great reliability in the treatment of so-called Residual Waste and at the same time guarantees a reduction in the environmental impact of the activities. Download |
MBA-Betrieb Wilsum - Erfahrungsbericht Hartmut Schrap, Dipl.-Ing Werner Hoffmann Aufgrund des Paradigmenwechsels in der Abfallwirtschaft zum 01.06.2005 wurden die Weichen für die Beseitigung von Restabfällen neu gestellt. Der Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim hat sich aufgrund der örtlichen und finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen für die Errichtung einer MBA entschieden. Download |
Operational Experiences at the MBT plant Wilsum Hartmut Schrap, Dipl.-Ing Werner Hoffmann Due to the paradigm change in waste disposal management in 2005, the switches for the removal of waste were newly placed. Download |
Schwachstellenanalyse am Beispiel der MBA Wilsum Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Scheffold Unsere Schwachstellenanalyse umfasst die Begehung der Anlage, Erhebung aller technisch, betriebswirtschaftlich relevanter Daten, Ermittlung der Stoffströme für drei Varianten: Leer, GB, Betrieb, die Erstellung einer Liste mit Optimierungsmöglichkeiten und Prioritätensetzung (A,B,C-Methodik). Download |
Weak-point Analysis: Example MBT Wilsum Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Scheffold A material flow analysis of two different input flows was carried out at the MBT Wilsum on the basis of technical criteria. In the district of Leer the “Sack + Sack” system of collection is used and in the Grafschaft Bentheim district the MGB-system without biowaste collection (experiment “GB”). Download |
Optimierung des Betriebes der MBA Schwanebeck Dr. Matthias Kleinke Die MBA Schwanebeck wurde nach ihrer Fertigstellung zum 01. 06. 2005 noch einmal in ihrer Kapazität deutlich erweitert. Im Zuge dieses Erweiterungsprozesses und auch im nunmehr fast zweijährigen Betrieb der Anlage wurde eine Vielzahl von Maßnahmen durchgeführt, die die Betriebssicherheit der Anlage erhöhen und einen Einfluss auf die Stabilität der Kosten der Behandlung haben. Im Beitrag soll über die durchgeführten Optimierungsmaßnahmen berichtet und deren Auswirkungen auf den Energiebedarf aufgezeigt werden Download |
Optimisation of the MBT Schwanebeck Dr. Matthias Kleinke After the completion of the MBT Schwanebeck on 01/06/2005 its capacity was noticeably expanded. In the course of the expansion process and also during the operation time of two years by now numerous actions were implemented to increase the operating safety of the plant and to control the stability of treatment costs. This paper reports about the actions for optimisation and their impact on the energy demand. Download |
Bau und Inbetriebnahme der MBA Kahlenberg Ergebnisse eines durch die EU geförderten begleitenden Forschungsvorhabens Dipl. Chem. Rolf Schneider, Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger Bei der im Mai 2006 in Betrieb genommenen MBA Kahlenberg werden außergewöhnlich effektiv Schad- und Störstoffe aussortiert und danach in einem Perkolator der Abfall durch Umwälzung und Beregnung in der Weise homogenisiert und selektiv zerkleinert, dass optimale Eigenschaften für die anschließende biologische Trocknung und Stofftrennung entstehen. Hierbei fällt organikreiches Ablaufwassers an, das zur Erzeugung von Biogas genutzt wird. Download |
Construction and Start-Up of the MBT Kahlenberg Results of an Attendant Research Project Promoted by the EU Dipl. Chem. Rolf Schneider, Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger The MBT Kahlenberg, put into operation in May 2006, eliminates hazardous and foreign material extremely effectively, and thereafter shreds the waste selectively and homogenizes it in a percolator by circulation and irrigation in a way that optimum characteristics for the subsequent biological drying process and material separation are obtained. Within this process, effluent water accumulates which is rich in organic substances, and which is used for the generation of biogas. Download |
Perspektiven der sensorgestützten Sortierung fester Abfallstoffe Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Killmann, Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Scharrenbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz Abfallstoffe werden häufig gemischt gesammelt und gelangen durch den Entsorger in die Recyclingkette. In der Aufbereitungsanlage werden die Abfallstoffe Zerkleinert, Klassiert und Sortiert. Dabei ist die Sortierung der entscheidende Schritt, bei dem Stoffgruppen mit gleichen Verwertungseigenschaften angereichert und von Störstoffen befreit werden sollen. Download |
Perspectives of Sensor Based Sorting for the Processing of Solid Waste Material Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Killmann, Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Scharrenbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz Waste is generally collected as a mixture of different solid materials which are fed into the recycling cycle by the waste collecting industry. In waste treatment plants the waste gets crushed, classified and sorted. Among these processes the sorting is the determining step in which materials with the same recycling attributes are concentrated and cleaned from impurities. Download |
Automatische Sortiersysteme für Anwendungen in der Abfallsortierung Dr. Uwe Habich Die induktive Sortierung, Röntgensortierung und Farbsortierung werden diskutiert. Funktionsweise, Aufbau der Geräte und Separationsergebnisse werden beschrieben. Download |
Sensor-Based Sorting Systems in Waste Processing Dr. Uwe Habich The technology of inductive, X-ray and color sorting systems is discussed. Principal operation, set-up .and separation results are described. Download |
Metallsortierung in der Abfallwirtschaft–Qualitätssteigerung und ökonomisches Standbein Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Kohaupt Metalle spielen hinsichtlich Qualität von Produkten aus MBA, Wert- und Reststoffbehandlung oder EBS-Gewinnung eine große wirtschaftliche Rolle in der Abfallwirtschaft. Bei der Investionsentscheidung sind mehr als sonst die Lebenszykluskosten zu berücksichtigen. Diese werden insbesondere durch Ausbringen, Produktreinheit und Verfügbarkeit sowie Wartungsaufwand beschrieben. Download |
Metal Sorting in Waste Treatment–Improvement of Quality and Economical Backbone Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Kohaupt Metals are more than ever important for the economical success of a waste management plant, like for RDF, MBT, packaging waste. To make an investment decision more and more life cycle costs has to be taken in account. The major parameters for this are recovery rate, product purity, availability of the machine or even the maintaining effort. Download |
Solid waste material characterisation and recognition by hyperspectral imaging based logics Dr. Silvia Serranti, Prof. Dr-Ing. Giuseppe Bonifazi Waste materials characterization and recognition can be performed through their surface spectral response. Such a goal can be reached using specialized devices able to collect of hyperspectral images allowing to collect information about material surface properties, status and physical-chemical attributes. Download |
IVU- Richtlinie und beste verfügbare Techniken (BVT / BREF) für den Bereich der Sortiertechnik Professor Siegfried Kalmbach Die IVU- Richtlinie der Europäischen Union fordert bei allen umweltrelevanten Anlagen die Anwendung der „Besten verfügbaren Techniken“ (BVT), in Deutschland nach wie vor als „Stand der Technik“ bezeichnet und eine „integrierte Anlagengenehmigung“. Spätestens ab dem 30.10.2007 gilt dies auch für alle bestehenden Anlagen (sog. Altanlagen). Der EU-weite Informationsaustausch zu BVT erfolgt durch BVT- Merkblätter (BREFs), die im „Sevilla-Prozess“ erarbeitet werden. Download |
IPPC-Directive and Best available techniques (BAT / BREF) for Sorting Technology Professor Siegfried Kalmbach The IPPC-Directive of the EU demands the application of the "best available techniques" (BAT), in Germany still referred to as "state of the art", for all environmentally relevant installations and an "integrated plant authorization". As of 30 Oct. 2007 at the latest this also applies to all existing installations. The Europe-wide exchange of information for the BAT is secured by the BAT reference documents (BREFs) which are worked out in the "Sevilla -Process". Download |
Untersuchungen zur Trennbarkeit von dynamisch getrockneten Restabfällen - erste Ergebnisse - Dipl.-Ing. Béla Kolos Bartha, Dr.-Ing. Joachim Brummack Im Rahmen von Untersuchungen zur biologischen Trocknung von Restabfällen in einem Drehrohrreaktor wurden die physikalischen Eigenschaften des Outputs analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gezielte Kombination von biologischen und mechanischen Prozessen zu einer Qualität führt, die in statischen Reaktoren nach Stand der Technik, nicht oder nur nach aufwendigen Nachbehandlung (Auflockerung, Nachzerkleinerung) erreicht werden kann. Download |
Investigations on the Separability of Dynamically Dried Municipal Solid Waste – First Results Dipl.-Ing. Béla Kolos Bartha, Dr.-Ing. Joachim Brummack The physical properties of the output of biological drying of municipal solid waste (MSW) in a rotary drum reactor have been analysed. It could be shown, that the determined combination of biological and mechanical processes within the reactor can lead to output qualities that with state-of-the-art static reactors can not be reached or a complex post treatment (bulking, post-crushing) is necessary for that. By sieving and manual sorting in substance classes (fibrous, plastic, miscellaneous) the individual product fractions could be described in detail very good. The results can be the basis of the further development for separation of MSW. Download |
Simulation mechanischer Aufbereitungsprozesse in der Abfallbehandlung Dr.-Ing. Bertram Zwisele, Dr.-Ing. Jan Rosenkranz, Dr. André Nordwig Eine kritische Analyse der mechanischen Aufbereitungsprozesse in Abfallbehandlungsanlagen zeigt vor allem Schwachstellen im Zusammenspiel von Anlagenaggregaten und heterogenem Einsatzmaterial auf. Die Simulation mechanischer Aufbereitungsprozesse in der Abfallbehandlung kann dazu beitragen, den gesamten Stofffluss einer Anlage abzubilden, das Verhalten heterogener Einsatzstoffe besser zu verstehen, kapazitative Engpässe zu identifizieren, Anlagenmodifikationen zu prüfen und damit die Planung zu unterstützen und Inbetriebnahmephasen zu verkürzen und einen reibungslosen Anlagenbetrieb zu sichern. Download |
Simulation of Mechanical Processes in Waste Treatment Dr.-Ing. Bertram Zwisele, Dr.-Ing. Jan Rosenkranz, Dr. André Nordwig A critical analysis of mechanical processes in waste treatment plants hints at vulnerable spots in the interaction of plant units and deployed heterogeneous materials. The simulation of mechanical processes in waste treatment may depict the total material flow in a plant and as such, contribute to a better understanding of the behaviour in heterogeneous materials, to identify bottlenecks, to check plant modifications and hence, to support planning and reducing time for implementation period. Download |
Optimisation of Fuels from MBT Processes Craig Ibbetson, Dr. Kurt Wengenroth Design and operation of fuel production from MBT processes must be optimised to provide the lowest treatment cost after consideration of capital and operating cost, and income. This paper illustrates how this approach can be structured to arrive at a design that is significantly lower cost than previous MBT design approaches. A key consideration is the fuel quality that is required. Download |
Applying Mechanical Pre-Treatment and Landfill Mining Approach in Recovering Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from Dumpsite Waste: Thailand Case Study Prof. Dr. Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Tenzin Norbu, Prof. Dr. Chart Chiemchaisri, C. Charnnok This paper explores the possibilities of using basic mechanical pre-treatment principals band Landfill mining approach to recover the discarded plastics from Nonthaburi solid waste disposal site in Thailand. The excavated wastes from the dumpsite were characterized for their physical composition and chemical characteristics according to their disposal age. The composition of solid waste excavated from the site showed high plastic wastes content (25 to 45%) of total weight Download |
Ausschreibung und Vertragsgestaltung für die Verwertung von Ersatzbrennstoffen Dr. Natalie Michels Der Beitrag stellt dar, welche Fragen beim Abschluss von Verträgen über die Verwertung von Ersatzbrennstoffen (EBS) von den Vertragsparteien besonders sorgfältig diskutiert werden müssen und was darüber hinausgehend noch geregelt werden sollte. Da MBA-Betreiber häufig öffentliche Auftraggeber sind, werden außerdem einige vergaberechtliche Hinweise gegeben. Download |
Tenders and Contracts for the Sale of RDF Dr. Natalie Michels This article explains the issues requiring special attention by parties to contracts on the utilisation of RDF and additional issues that should be agreed upon. Since operators of MBT often act as contracting authorities, the article outlines some pertinent issues relating to public procurement rules. Download |
Erfahrungen mit der Aufbereitung und Verwertung von Ersatzbrennstoffen aus Gewerbeabfällen Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Oetjen-Dehne, Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Kalvelage Die Stadtwerke Flensburg betreiben drei steinkohlegefeuerte Wirbelschichtkessel zur Fernwärmeerzeugung, die im Rahmen des im Jahr 2003 aufgelegten Projektes „KWK plus“ erneuert und für die Mitverbrennung von Ersatzbrennstoffen erweitert werden. Zusätzlich wurde im Jahr 2006 mit drei mittelständischen Partnern eine Anlage zur EBSAufbereitung realisiert, die aus Gewerbeabfällen einen ofenfertigen, chlorabgereicherten Ersatzbrennstoff herstellt. Der Beitrag erläutert das Verfahrenskonzept und die ersten Betriebserfahrungen. Download |
Experiences with the preparation and utilization of refuse derived fuel from commercial waste for heat production in Flensburg/Germany Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Oetjen-Dehne, Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Kalvelage “Stadtwerke Flensburg” operate three hard coal-fired fluidized bed boilers for longdistance heating production, which are renewed and extended for the Co-Combustion of Refuse derived Fuels. Additionally in the year 2006 with three privatly owned wastemanagement companies a plant was realized to produce a furnace-finished, chlorinedepleted RdF from commercial waste. The contribution describes the plant and the first operational experiences. Download |
Optimierter Umgang mit gewerblichen Abfällen Dipl.-Geogr. Florian Knappe, Dipl.-Ing. Regine Vogt Für viele Bestandteile des Gewerbeabfalls ist eine werkstoffliche Verwertung aus ökologischer Sicht vorteilhaft. Dies gilt auch für Kunststoffe insbesondere dann, wenn sie als Regranulat und damit als Zwischenprodukt in der Kunststoffindustrie eingesetzt werden können. Anlagen zur Sortierung und Aufbereitung von Gewerbeabfällen zu Brennstoffen sollten daher neben der PVC-Ausschleusung auch derartige Sortierfraktionen erzeugen Download |
Optimised Handling of Commercial Waste Dipl.-Geogr. Florian Knappe, Dipl.-Ing. Regine Vogt For many elements of commercial waste, recycling the material brings on advantages from an ecological point of view. This also goes for plastics – especially when they can be used as recycled granules, thus able to be used as an intermediate good in the plastics industry. Plants for sorting and converting commercial waste into fuels should therefore also be able to generate such products in addition to sorting out PVC. In view of the situation on the waste disposal market and the risks involved in constructing substitute fuel power plants, a material-specific disposal of commercial waste could provide an important contribution to overcoming bottlenecks regarding waste disposal. Download |
Critical analysis of high moisture MSW bio-drying: the Romanian case study Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Tiberiu Apostol, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Valeriu Panaitescu Bio-drying is an aerobic pre-treatment of municipal solid waste that shows its best performances when the waste has a high moisture content. This is a typical characteristics of the waste of low-income countries. The bio-drying process exploits the exothermic reactions developed in the core of the waste thanks to a regulated aeration. The aim is the generation of a material with a higher Lower Heating Value (LHV), using a little part of volatile solids present in the waste. Download |
Economical Analysis of Energy Recovery from the Aerobic Bioconversion of Solid Urban Waste Organic Fraction Ing. Valentina Gorietti, Prof-Ing. Francesco Di Maria, Manuel Benavoli, Mirco Zoppitelli In this paper, the aerobic treatment of the organic fraction of Solid Urban Waste, performed in a biocell plant with the possibility of recovering heat for civil or industrial needs, was examined from the economical point of view. Using a thermodynamic theoretical model, an evaluation of the thermal recoverable energy from the biological process of waste treatment and a proposal for a real plant were done. A compression heat pump is utilized for the production of sanitary hot water. Download |
Prozessoptimierung von Intensivrotteverfahren Dipl.-Ing. Birte Mähl Die Prozessoptimierung von Intensivrotteverfahren erfolgt durch gezielte aktive Belüftung und Bewässerung, die miteinander in Wechselwirkung stehen, sowie durch Umsetzung bzw. Bewegung des Abfallmaterials. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden grundlegende Berechnungsansätze für die Steuerung von Intensivrotteverfahren vorgestellt, die von dem Ingenieurbüro gewitra mbH erarbeitet wurden und für unterschiedlich dimensionierte Intensivrottesysteme, insbesondere Container- und Tunnel-Systeme, angewendet und auf der Basis von Betriebserfahrungen kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt werden. Download |
Optimisation of Intensive Rotting Processes Dipl.-Ing. Birte Mähl The optimisation of intensive rotting processes is carried out by specific active aeration and watering, interacting with each other, as well as by waste turning and moving respectively. The present lecture will introduce basic approaches of calculation for the control of intensive rotting processes which were acquired by the consulting engineers of gewitra mbH. These computing procedures are applied for different dimensioned intensive rotting processes, tunnel and container systems in particular. Likewise, they will be continuously developed based upon further operational experiences. Download |
Trockenfermentation, ideal für die biologische Fraktion? Mario Caviezel Der liegende Pfropfenstrom - Fermenter hat sich zur kontinuierlichen Vergärung von Bioabfällen seit vielen Jahren bewährt. Download |
„Dry fermentation“; Ideal for the biological fraction? Mario Caviezel The Mechanical Biological Technology (MBA/MBS) is a new way of active treatment of the organic solid waste ending up in a product that is stabilised. Download |
Sand im Getriebe der Vergärung? Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu Vergärung von Bio- und Restabfall mit Störstoffanteilen ist eine sehr junge Verfahrenstechnik. Die Erfahrungen mit der großtechnischen Umsetzung dieser Technologie in den letzten Jahren erfordern eine Änderung der verfahrenstechnischen Ausrichtung. Download |
Waste Fermentation and Sand – no Problem? Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu Anaerobic digestion of biowaste and organic fraction from municipal solid waste (OFMSW), containing certain amounts of contraries such as sand, gravel, glass and plastics is a rather young technology. The growing experience with industrial scale implementation shows the necessity of changing the overall process. Download |
Bewertung der biologischen Aktivität von Restabfall– ein Vergleich von anaeroben Testmethoden in Deutschland und England Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Bockreis, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller, Dr.-Ing. Iris Steinberg Zur Bestimmung der biologischen Aktivität von vorbehandelten Abfällen wurden in Deutschland die Parameter Atmungsaktivität AT4 und Gasbildungsrate im Gärtest GB21 eingeführt. Download |
Assessment of the biological activity of waste – a comparison of anaerobic test methods in Germany and in the UK Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Bockreis, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller, Dr.-Ing. Iris Steinberg In Germany, the parameter AT4 (respiration activity determined over the course of 4 days in laboratory testing) and GB21 (gas formation determined over the course of 21 days in laboratory testing) were implemented in the German legislation (Ordinance on Environmentally Compatible Storage of Waste from Human Settlements (Abfallablagerungsverordnung, 2001) in order to describe the biodegradability of the waste and to determine the efficiency of the mechanical-biological pre-treatment. Download |
Thermische Analyse zur Prozess- und Qualitätskontrolle bei der mechanisch-biologischen Behandlung Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Tintner Die tägliche Praxis der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung erfordert eine entsprechende Kontrolle, ob die Ziele in Hinblick auf die Abnahme der Reaktivität erreicht wurden. Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung von bestehenden Technologien und neue Verfahren müssen ebenfalls durch die Untersuchung des Abfalls während des Prozesses oder an wichtigen Schnittstellen bewertet werden. Download |
Process and Quality Control of MBT-Waste by Means of Thermal Analysis Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Tintner The present study reports on the application of thermal analysis for investigation and characterization of MBT – materials. The thermal behaviour of waste materials depends on physical and chemical properties of all waste components. Download |
Maßgeschneidertes Abluftmanagement für MBA’s Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bisdorf, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Pfliegensdörfer Trotz der Verschärfung der Emissionsgrenzwerte für MBAs (Mechanisch-Biologische Abfallaufbereitungsanlagen) durch die seit 2001 gültige 30. BImSchV sind MBAs eine attraktive Lösung zur Reduzierung des organischen Anteils im Müll. Download |
Customized Exhaust Gas Treatment for MBT Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Bisdorf, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Pfliegensdörfer Although the strong legislation 30. BImSchV imitating emissions created by MBT since 2001 effecting high costs, the MBT technology is still an attractive solution to minimize the organic content in waste. Download |
Betriebserfahrungen und Optimierungspotenzial von regenerativen thermischen Oxidationsanlagen (RTO) im Anwendungsumfeld der MBA Dipl.-Ing Olaf Neese, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Carlowitz, Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Reindorf Auf Grund emissionsrechtlicher Verordnungen ist es notwendig, die bei MBA-Anlagen anfallenden Abluftströme zu behandeln. Download |
Operational Experiences and Potential for Optimization of Regenerative Thermal Oxidation Plants in the Field of MBT Dipl.-Ing Olaf Neese, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Carlowitz, Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Reindorf As a consequence of legal regulations with respect to emissions, post-treatment of the exhaust gas streams arising from MBT is necessary. Download |
Ökoeffizienz der regenerativ thermischen Oxidation (RTO) im Hinblick auf die Vermeidung klimawirksamer Emissionen Dr.-Ing. Joachim Dach In Deutschland ist es auf Grund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen notwendig für die Reinigung von Abluft aus MBA eine regenerativ thermische Oxidation (RTO) einzusetzen. Download |
Ecobalance of Regenerative Thermal Oxidation regarding the avoidance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Dr.-Ing. Joachim Dach To assure compliance with valid environmental protection legislation in Germany, it is necessary to treat exhaust air from mechanical-biological treatment plants (MBA) by regenerative-thermal oxidation (RTO). Download |
Laboratory Biological Process for Treatment of Leachates from Initial Phases of Landfilling of Mechanically Sorted Organic Residue and Mechanically-Biologically Treated Municipal Solid Waste Asst. Prof. Dr. Prasad Kaparaju Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is experiencing rapid changes in order to promote more sustainable development and to reduce global (e.g. greenhouse gases) and local (leachates) emissions. Download |
Modelling of Landfilling Acceptance of Residue from Refused Derived Fuel Generation Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Marina Marina Venturi, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada The European Union policy on waste management recommends the recycling of material, energy recovery and waste treatment before landfilling. In the latest years it can be seen that the waste pre-treatment plants before combustion were more and more adopted. Download |
Study on selected odorous compounds at the “Barycz” municipal landfill site in Krakow, Poland Anna Sadowska-Rociek,, PhD Magdalena Kurdziel, MSc-Ing Krzysztof Piejko The aim of the present investigation was to determine time variation of selected odorous compounds emitted at the different parts of the „Barycz” municipal landfill site in Krakow, Poland. Download |
Interpretation approaches of infrared-spectroscopic waste analysis in order to assess biological stability Maria Tesar, Dr. Katharina Meissl Infrared spectroscopic investigations for assessment of biological stability of MBT waste material have been carried out for several years. Degradation and stabilization of waste organic matter are revealed by changes in the mid infrared spectral pattern during the biological process. According to the problem (process control, assessment of stability of material to be disposed) different approaches of spectra interpretation are necessary. Download |
Mechanical – Biological Treatment Experiences in Greece: Problems, Trends and Perspectives Dr. Triantafyllia Haritopoulou, Dr. Katia Lasaridi Today, three years before the first – extended – deadline of the EU landfill directive, Greece still relies on landfills for the disposal of over 85% of its waste, while waste production continues to grow at about 3% annually. The 2006 estimate for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) production is 5.3 million tons, while the Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW – putrescibles and paper) content is approximately 67%. Download |
Could MBT Plants be the Solution to Fulfil Landfill Directive Targets in Portugal? Ph.D., Dipl.-Ing Ana Pires, Maria da Graça Martinho, Ana Silveira To treat the biodegradable fraction present in municipal solid waste, Portugal will implement more 15 mechanical-biological treatment plants, using aerobic and anaerobic treatment. Reaching EU Directive 99/31/EC of 26 April on the landfill of waste seems to be possible, but not enough. The problems and constraints regarding the outputs and the pollution resulting from operational aspects are issues that must be taking into account to guarantee the economical viability of the plants and the reduction of environmental impact of mechanical-biological treatment plants in Portugal. Download |
Promoting the Uptake of Advanced Waste Management Technologies in the UK. Simon Gandy In the year 2000/01, England sent 79% of its MSW arisings to landfill. That figure had fallen to 62% by 2005/06, but the UK still faces a huge challenge if it is to meet its Landfill Directive diversion targets. This paper lists various workstreams developed by the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to address this challenge, before focussing on the Education and Training Programme, which has been led by the author on behalf Defra and has been delivered three training courses. Download |
Revision of the European Waste Framework Directive RA Dr. jur. Joachim Hagmann The Waste Framework Directive will be substantially revised after about 30 years. Several decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities concerning the interpretation of waste legislation provisions gave reason to the planned revision. It concerns for example the limitation of the definition of waste, the duration of the period, in which the material is a waste, or the distinction between recovery and disposal. Download |
Novelle der Europäischen Abfallrahmenrichtlinie RA Dr. jur. Joachim Hagmann Die Abfallrahmenrichtlinie wird nach etwa 30 Jahren wesentlich überarbeitet. Anlass dazu haben unter Anderem verschiedene Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zu abfallrechtlichen Abgrenzungsfragen gegeben. Dies betrifft beispielsweise die Abgrenzung des Abfallbegriffs, die Dauer der Abfalleigenschaft oder die Unterscheidung zwischen Verwertung und Beseitigung. Download |
Capability of MBT to Meet Treatment Targets in Different EC States Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller The focus of the EU landfill directive is the reduction of biodegradable waste destined for landfill on a solely quantitative basis. Trials on the bio-mechanical treatment and its effect on the landfill behaviour show that the quality of the remaining organic fraction for landfilling should be considered because it is more relevant than the quantity of biodegradable waste, in terms of the level of gaseous emissions from landfill. Download |
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der mechanischbiologischen Abfallbehandlung (MBA) in Österreich Dipl.-Ing. Christian Neubauer Die Anforderungen an die Vorbehandlung vor der Ablagerung entsprechend der europäischen Richtlinie über Abfalldeponien wurden in Österreich durch die Deponieverordnung im Wesentlichen mit dem 1. Januar 2004 (in Ausnahmefällen ab dem 1. Januar 2009) rechtlich verbindlich umgesetzt. Durch diese nationale Umsetzung wurde in Österreich das Verfahren der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung als gleichberechtigt mit dem Verfahren der thermischen Abfallbehandlung zugelassen. Download |
Mechanical-biological Treatment of Waste in Austria: Current Developments Dipl.-Ing. Christian Neubauer The current development in the field of the mechanical-biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastes in Austria is a clear indication of the rising importance of this form of waste treatment. In the beginning of the year 2007, 17 mechanical-biological treatment plants were in operation with a treatment capacity of approximately 686,500 tons. method to thermal treatment. Download |
Drawing the Materials Balance for an MBT Cycle from Routine Process Measures in a MBT Plant located in Venice Dr.-Ing.-Prof. Salvatore Nicosia, Placido A. Lanza, Giorgio Spataro, Dr. Chem. Francesco Casarin An observation term was carried on in an MBT plant owned and run by a public Company to treat MSW left by separate collection. All observations and measurements were made without interfering with the ordinary operation rules, in order to assess the efficiency of one process cycle for a given batch of waste. Analytical data came from both a) process instruments and b) physical analysis of a batch of waste entering / exiting from a selected bio-cell. Download |
Betriebserfahrungen mit der Nehlsen-MBS-Anlage Stralsund Wolfram Breuer Die mechanisch biologische Abfallbehandlung ist ein unverzichtbarer Baustein für eine auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse des Abfallerzeugers angepasste Abfallbehandlung. Die eingesetzten Anlagenkonzepte und Aggregate müssen flexibel auf Änderungen des Inputs und auf Änderungen der Anforderungen der Verwerter von Outputströmen reagieren können. Auch für renommierte Lieferanten von Systemkomponenten ist der besondere Einsatzfall in der jeweiligen Abfallbehandlungsanlage häufig neu. Download |
Experiences with the Operation of the Nehlsen-Drying-MBT-Plant Stralsund Wolfram Breuer Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) is an indispensable component for waste treatment in order to meet the specific requirements of the respective waste producers. The flexibility of the plants layout and the equipment assembly are essential, to adapt to the changing requirements of the MBT outputs users. Download |
Research and Development Results of the Mechanical Biological Treatment Process NEW EARTH in the UK Aurel Lübke Driven by the Landfill Directive from the EC as well as other factors, like the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in recent UK history and the strong position against incineration from the public, Compost Systems participated in an R&D program to design, build and operate a treatment facility in Wimborne (Southern England) to demonstrate alternative solutions to Landfilling. Download |
Sachstand MBA in Deutschland Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier, Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Langer, Dipl.-Ing. Frank Hohmann, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Butz In Deutschland durchlaufen mehr als 7 Mio. Mg (t) Restabfälle pro Jahr eine Behandlung in mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen (MBA), mechanischbiologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen mit biologischer Trocknung (MBS), mechanisch-physikalischen Anlagen (MPS) oder rein mechanischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen (MA). Die Inbetriebnahme vieler Anlagen mit biologischen Verfahrensstufen war mit erheblichen technischen Problemen verbunden, die zu kontroversen Äußerungen über diese Verfahren in den Medien und in der Fachöffentlichkeit führten. Download |
The Current Situation of MBT in Germany Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier, Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Langer, Dipl.-Ing. Frank Hohmann, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Butz More than 7 million Mg (tons) of mixed municipal solid waste are annually treated in Germany by mechanical (MA), mechanical-biological treatment (MBT), mechanicalbiological drying (MBS) or mechanical-physical drying (MPS) treatment. Especially the launch of those plants that comprise biological treatment steps was often accompanied by severe technical problems. This led to controversial statements in the press and other public media. Download |
MBT for a Sustainable Development – Vision 2020 Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu Mechanical-Biological Treatment today is not the ultimate answer to a modern waste management. This paper presents a new, modular Waste Treatment Technology that meets the standards for a sustainable development and is already implemented on industrial scale. Download |
Lessons from Municipal Solid Waste Processing Initiatives in India Joseph Kurian About 40 million tonnes of municipal waste is generated in India every year. The waste management scenario continues to be grim, even though there have been some commendable initiatives by scattered municipalities, individuals, groups and NGOs. As of today, open dumps are the major mode of waste disposal. Composting, biomethanation and thermal processing are being attempted as the options for waste processing. This paper analyses the performance of such waste processing initiatives in India, identifies the key constraints and presents suggestions for improvement. Download |
Biogas from Municipal and Agricultural Bioorganic Waste: Renewable Energy for China Prof. Dr. habil. Bernhard Raninger, Prof.Dr. Youcai Zhao, Ji Rong, Li Aimin, Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Werner Bidlingmaier China became in 2005 the world’s largest coal consumer and second largest user of mineral oil and electricity. The Energy demand in China makes the country already to the second largest CO2 producer worldwide (3,540m t CO2 in 2003) and it’s going to surpass the US in 2009, even though China's per capita CO2 emissions will still be only three-fifths of the average in industrialised countries in 2030. Download |
Mechanical Biological Treatment as an effective alternative for landfilling of MSW in city of Shiraz Mahak Sabouri, Farideh Gheytasi Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) seems to be a more appropriate disposal solution than other alternatives for Iran. Although MBT will not eliminate the need for a landfill, it will greatly reduce both the quantity and toxicity of left over waste. Download |
The role of alternative waste technologies in Australia in achieving sustainable waste management David Gamble This paper provides an overview of policies and regulatory drivers, current practices and possible future developments in management of non hazardous wastes in Australia. Download |
Zukunftsfähige MBA-Konzepte – Vision 2020 Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu Vor dem Hintergrund der heutigen Abfallwirtschaft in Deutschland wird die Konkretisierung einer zukunftsfähigen MBA-Technologie sowohl für Deutschland als auch international in Form eines modularen Systems vorgestellt. Download |
Waste-to-Resources 2009 - MBT and sorting plants - |
Vermicomposting of Unsorted Municipal Solid Waste Eng. Rui Daniel Berkemeier The Vermicomposting (aerobic composting with red earthworms) of unsorted mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) being pioneered by Lavoisier, a Portuguese enterprise, with the support of the NGO Quercus, is an adaptation of an organic waste treatment technology that has been around for a long time. The innovation is the application of earthworm composting to the treatment of mixed MSW allowing immediate diversion from landfill and high levels of separation of recyclables. The process, installed by the AMAVE - Municipal Association of River Ave Valley, includes a pre-composting phase in order to prepare the waste to feed the worms.Through pre-composting organic waste is digested by aerobic micro organisms. After this phase worms are fed with waste and digest the remaining organic matter, producing humus and cleaning plastics, glass and metals. Keywords: Vermicomposting, Earthworms, Biowaste, MBT, Humus, Recycling, MSW, Plastic Download |
Bio-stabilization of municipal solid waste prior to landfill: Environmental and economic assessment Prof. Pinjing He, Zhenghao Shao, Dongqing Zhang, Prof.Dr. Liming Shao The bio-stabilization included 16 days of active stage with enhanced aeration and 84 days of curing stage. The results showed that MSW weight was reduced by nearly 85% and MSW stability improved, with respiration activity (AT4) and anaerobic gas production (GB21) being reduced by 93% and 87%, respectively. The dramatic degradation of organic matter occurred in the active stage of bio-stabilization. Based on the bio-stabilization results, the economic and environmental analysis was conducted following 3 scenarios: the conventional landfill (CL), the combination of active stage of bio-stabilization and subsequent sanitary landfill (AL), and the combination of both active and curing stage of bio-stabilization and subsequent sanitary landfill (ACL). The results showed that AL could substantially save land resource and mitigate landfill pollutions, and the costs of AL would be the lowest as well. Keywords: Municipal solid waste, Bio-stabilization, Landfill, Environmental and economic analysis Download |
Defining the best process for a Mechanical-Biological Treatment Plant Stéphane VAUCHÉ Before outlining a Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) or Mechanical-Biological Pretreatment (MBP) process, we should take a look at 3 points that are essential to the success of a plant project. - Firstly, we will see why we need to have good knowledge of the composition of the source Household Waste (HW). - Then, we will mention the new trend of favouring recovery of recyclables. - Finally, we will show the advantages of sorting prior to pre-fermentation. After looking at these 3 points, we will see, in simple terms, which objectives are decisive when choosing the treatment method. Finally, we propose an MBT process enabling you to achieve the set objectives, and the possible adaptations for changing or upgrading it. Download |
Renewable energy production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste through two-phase anaerobic digestion Eylem DOGAN, Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demırer In this study, biochemical methane production (BMP) experiments were performed in order to investigate whether phase separation enhanced the efficiency of methanogenic activity or not. The performances were compared in terms of tCOD and VS reductions, and cumulative gas production. The experimental results indicated that 10% and 23% increases in tCOD and VS removals were achieved, respectively, by phase separation. The acetic and propionic acids were not detected in the reactors which was an indication of successful methanization. Keywords: Anaerobic, biogas, organic fraction of municipal solid waste, phase separation Download |
Mechanical-biological treatment as a strategically project for the social and environmental development Christiane Dias Pereira, Wolfgang Tonges, Letícia Tavares Theotonio Through the experiences of different countries, notably Chile, Haiti and Brazil, the using of the Mechanical Biological Treatment of residues was projected involving a series of components directed to the development and improvement of the life quality for the populations. The application of the MBT, as a solution for a parcel of the urban residues, is carried through by technical and holistic elements, where the economic, social and environmental aspects are equated in an integrated proposal of handling and treatment. The concept of valuation of residues is extended to beyond the productive activities, including pedagogical activities, territorial organization, environmental protection and social inclusion. Keywords: Waste treatment, social and environmental development, emissions reduction, environmental education Download |
Low-Cost-Techniques of Intensive Biodegradation and Maturation Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Runge, Thomas Hölscher Techniques for mechanical-biological treatment of solid fraction of household waste taking their seats in the waste management business of many countries. MBT facilities working as a complement or as a low cost option for incineration facilities. Further on there is still a large demand for many MBT facilities to improve the aerobic biological treatment process, to reduce operation costs and to increase reliability. With the help of some examples the possibilities to improve existing facilities will be shown and technical solutions for planning and construction of new facilities will be discussed. Keywords: MBT, aerobic treatment, composting, maturation, optimization, operating cost Download |
Simulation of biological plants working with municipal solid waste Bernard Morvan To build mechanical biological plants, municipalities and engineer departments need tools to compare different proposals. The methodology to test a plant aims knowing the flow sheet of each stream in the composting or anaerobic digestion plant, quantifying the weight of refuses, gas losses, stabilised waste and compost. With a universal model of matter we can establish the material balance for dry matter, organic matter, and various categories of MSW. With a library of equipment tools and various kinds of waste, many simulations become possible in fictive plants. The validation of the simulation software has been successfully tested after the plant building. The first software was developed under excel but today, it has been improved through a special application of Ecoval, named Compowaste. Keywords: MBT, MSW, Municipal Solid Waste, Simulation, Compost, Composting, Impurities. Download |
The Latest Generation of RTO Plants Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Breeger The deadline for implementing the 30th BImSchV (German Federal Immission Control Ordinance) for mechanical biological waste treatment has expired. In the meantime, the exhaust air cleaning plants (thermal post-combustion and biological systems) have been in operation for up to four years. Operating experience regarding compliance with the limit values, corrosion issues and difficulties due to siloxanes exists and will be presented in this essay. In particular, practical examples of operational RTO systems optimized for applications in the MBT field will be introduced. Keywords: Regenerative thermal oxidation plants, 30th BImSchV, German Federal Immission Control Ordinance, siloxanes, corrosion, mechanical-biological waste treatment Download |
Gaseous emissions reduction from aerobic MBT of municipal solid waste Isabelle Zdanevitch, Pascal Mallard, Olivier Bour, M. Briand Surface gaseous emissions, composition of soil gas and VOC concentration were determined on a French MBT plant, where the biodegradation process is aerobic. Measurements were performed on both the composting windrows and on the landfill cell which receives the sorting rejects. This allowed the comparison of the global methane and CO2 gases, as well as the characterization of the degradation process on the different parts of the site. The performance of the sorting chain allow to obtain a highgrade compost, which can be valorised on agricultural fields, and leads to deposit much smaller quantities of degradable waste than in a classical landfill site, and to lowering seriously the generation of methane. Therefore, landfill gas (LFG) does not need to be recovered and treated by classical means, e.g. flares. Keywords: aerobic MBT, gaseous emissions, landfill cell, surface flux, VOC Download |
Multiplexed NIR spectroscopic Sensors and NIR spectroscopic Imaging: Two Solutions for Sensor based Waste Sorting in Comparison Arne Volland Recently hyperspectral NIR imaging systems, which work without optical multiplexers and handle 256 tracks at scan rates of up to 330Hz, have been eveloped. However, they have a reduced dynamic range of 12 Bit and detect only the shortwave NIR spectral range up to 1.76m, which may limit the possible applications. At belt widths of up to 2 meters these new systems can be used for sorting standard plastics as well as plastic flakes >5mm. The article compares the advantages and limitations of both systems and demonstrates the fields of use on the basis of practice-oriented examples. Keywords: Plastic, sorting, hyperspectral, multispectral, imaging, near infrared, NIR, sensor Download |
Hyperspectral imaging detection architectures for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) identification inside plastic waste streams Dr. Silvia Serranti, Prof. Dr-Ing. Giuseppe Bonifazi Since polymers are continuously replacing other materials in major consumer products, the consumption of plastic increases faster than the economy as a whole. One of the weakest points in the recycling system is the reuse of waste plastic. There are many kinds of plastics utilised in every day life: polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The most important polymers in the consumer goods and the least recycled plastics materials are the polyolefin’s. The reason can be mainly attributed to the complexity of these wastes according to different polymers (rubber, foam, etc.) and polluting (not polymers) materials (wood, aluminium, copper, stones, glass, etc.) commonly present in plastic waste streams. In this paper an innovative sensing technology, based on an hyperspectral imaging (HSI) approach, is presented and discussed: i) to determine the quality of waste plastic feed and ii) to set up new sorting strategies for pure PP and PE recovery. Keywords: Plastic recycling, plastic waste characteristics, polyolefin’s, hyperspectral imaging, sorting, quality control Download |
Continuous Measurement of Waste Material Volume Flow Dipl.-Ing. Yvonne Schockert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz At the present time, volume flow rates in waste treatment plants are determined only discontinuously. With the aid of a contactless, sensor-based method the volume of theconveyed waste stream can be detected in real-time. In addition, nformation about the locations of the transported materials can be given. The data can be used to monitor and control aggregates. The procedure is applicable to all regular facilities of waste treatment plants. Keywords: Controlling and monitoring of aggregates, laser triangulation, sensor based technology Download |
Modeling of waste management processes so as to increase the efficient use of natural resources – outlook and future demands Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Albers, Dipl.-Geoökol. Sebastian Wolff, Dr. Martin Wittmaier, Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Langer, Anke Schmidt Since the ban on placing untreated waste in landfill sites (Technical Instructions on Municipal Waste) came into force in June 2005, the increasing number of material waste streams in need of coordination has led to increased complexity of the recycling and disposal structures in the waste management and recycling industry, whereby the issues of material and energy efficiency are gaining importance. An approach to analyzing and optimizing these complex processes is offered in a project currently being undertaken at Bremen University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with partners from the industry itself. Here, as the basis for the development of software applications, a material flow model for the waste management and recycling industry is being developed for the purpose of supporting material waste flow management and thus helping to lay the foundations for better resource and cost efficiency in this industry. Keywords: Modeling, waste management processes, resource efficiency, energy efficiency, material efficiency, material flow analysis Download |
Recyclables and Sorting Plants on the Market – Special Aspects of Antitrust Law, Public Procurement Law and Fiscal Law Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht Dr. Frank Wenzel This article presents a survey on questions arising in the fields of antitrust law, public procurement law, and fiscal law, when contracts of recyclables (incl. sorting) are drafted. Keywords: Recyclables, sorting plants, antitrust law, public procurement law, fiscal law Download |
Reliable determination of element contents in heterogeneous waste fractions Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Ketelhut Recently a particle based procedure has been developed to characterize chlorine content in heterogeneous waste fractions by sorting analysis and fractionated chemical analysis. The procedure generates reliable results including variances within a few hours. At the same time the development of mobile RFA analysis allows on-site analytical characterization. The combination of sorting analysis and RFA elemental characterization may offer the opportunity for an on-site multiple elements haracterization within a short period of time. For testing those opportunities a RDF has been characterized not only by sorting but also by RFA analysis. The results show that the elements lead, cadmium, antimony,chromium and zinc are distributed extremely heterogeneous as known for the element chlorine. For every single element different “levels of preferred concentrations” occur. Therefore the result of a chemical analysis is strongly depending on the number of high load contributors reaching the sample and their particle weight. Keywords: Element Contents; heterogeneous wastes; reliability; sorting analysis; mobile RFA analysis; on-site-analysis; quality assurance; input control; sample size definition Download |
Municipal solid waste composition and assessment: a cases tudy in Kocaeli, Turkey Dr. Ertan Durmusoglu Composition of municipal wastes as well as projection of waste-generation and -disposal rates is need to plan and implement disposal and recycling activities. The primary objectives of the study are to characterize and evaluate the recycling potentials of the municipal solid waste. Waste sorts were conducted during the summer and winter of 2008 at the City of Kocaeli. A detailed physical sampling protocol was outlined. Weight fractions of 17 waste components were quantified from all geographic areas that contribute to the Kocaeli Sanitary Landfills. Each region was divided into four groups, i.e., lowincome, middle-income, high-income and commercial district. Comparisons of solid waste generated between locations and seasons were conducted. The composition of the entire waste stream was organic wastes (38 – 41%), recyclable items (26 – 38%), combustible wastes (15 – 22%), hazardous wastes (1 – 2%), and others (3 – 12%). Keywords: Municipal solid wastes, solid waste composition, recycling Download |
Results of comparative studies of various European parameters for determining degree of biological stabilization Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller Base for the comparison of various European parameters for determination of biological stability degree of products of biological treatment of residual waste, were investigations conducted on different plants for biological treatment in Europe. Samples of the input material, of intermediate products and the output material were taken and the following parameters were investigated: BM100, SRI, DR4, ASTM, PDRI. The results of laboratory tests were statistically evaluated to find out correlations between the differentparameters. Keywords: Municipal solid waste, mechanical-biological treatment, MBT, biological stabilisation, SRI Download |
Evaluation of the biodegradability of organic waste by the means of impedance analysis Dipl.-Ing. Paul Stopp The biodegradability and consequently the stabilization degree of biologically treated waste is a required parameter to provide the evidence of the fulfillment for the German Waste Storage Ordinance (AbfAblV, 2002). The in appendix 2, AbfAblV recommended test procedures RA4 (Respiration Activity over 4 days) and GF21 (Gas Formation over 21 days) takes at least 4 or 21 days respectively. Moreover, despite uniform regulation, obtained analytical results show a strong dispersion of the values particularly with regard to different laboratories. Within this work basics for a new microbiological approach, the impedance analysis, are examined for the evaluation of the biodegradability. A clear correlation resulted in the case of impedance measurement and biodegradability. In addition the impedance values can be converted with appropriate regression equations into the standard parameters RA4 and GF21. Hence, it seems suitable, that organic waste samples may be controlled within a day on their depositing ability according to AbfAblV or the efficiency of the biological treatment processes could be examined by impedance analysis. Keywords: Biodegradability, Composting, Municipal Solid Waste, Impedance, Microbial Population Dynamic, RA4, GF21. MBT Download |
Reactivity of MBT-Waste - A new approach to identify failures of biological tests Dr. Katharina Meissl, Dipl.-Ing Erwin Binner, Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Tintner The “Austrian Landfill Ordinance” (BGBl. II Nr. 39/2008) (BMLFUW, 2008) provides requirements for the disposal of wastes. Limit values regarding reactivity such as respiration activity and gas generation sum (by incubation test) or gas evolution (by fermentation test) have to be met before landfilling. On the one hand this approach serves as security and on the other hand these tests are very time consuming (4 and 21 days resp.). Thus, it was aimed for, to develop new analytical tools for the determination of reactivity parameters. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used as a non-destructive method to predict reactivity parameters and to identify errors resulting from inhibiting effects on biological tests. Keywords: Mechanically-biologically pretreated waste (MBT), respiration activity, gas generation sum, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, multivariate data analysis, Partial Least Square Regression (PLS-R) Download |
Experience of MBT-Landfills and Stability Investigations Dr.-Ing. Karsten Hupe, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Oltmanns, Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Heyer, Fred Brandt, Dipl.-Ing. R. Jäger The technical requirements for landfilling of MBT-residues on landfills in Lower Saxony are described and the realisation of the requirements on the MBT-landfill Hillern is explained. In terms of a certain compliance with the geomechanical stability of the MBTlandfill body, recommendations for the landfill operation are developed based on extensive site-specific investigations and stability calculations. Keywords: MBT-landfill, landfill operation, stability calculation, stability proof Download |
Contracting Solution for Energy-Supply of a Food-Production Site Thomas Hegner, Karl-Heinz Plepla Putting the RDF CHP-plant Stavenhagen (Refused Derived Fuels Combined Heat and Power Plant) in operation by the contractor Nehlsen AG, enabled supplying the company Pfanni, potatoes based food products, with process vapor and electricity, not from a primary fossil fuel but from a secondary solid fuel, generated from a MBT Mechanical- Biological-Waste-Treatment plant. The advantages of this innovative energy supply process are saving of fossil energy resources and thermal remediation of waste, which is a consequent completion with the principles of waste recycling economy. The remains quality of this process complies perfectly with the preconditions of waste for landfill discharge. In addition this plant secures current jobs of the food and food-supporting industry, including creation of new jobs within the RDF CHP-plant. Last but not least the MBT plant represent a real investment alternative for energy supply at the company Pfanni. Keywords: RDF CHP Plant, MBT Plant, Company Pfanni, Process steam and electricity Download |
Municipal Solid Waste bio-drying eco-balance and Kyoto protocol Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada Bio-drying is a process aimed to Refuse Derived Fuel generation through water evaporation and post-treatment of selection. This option allows avoiding direct combustion of waste and opens to alternative strategies as co-combustion in thermal power plants where the efficiency of electricity generation could be higher than the one of conventional incinerators. The present paper analyses in details a few aspects related to CO2 balances for bio-drying in order to give a contribution to a correct understanding of the process. Keywords: Bio-drying, CO2, emissions, Kyoto Protocol, MSW, RDF Download |
Recyclable materials recovery after biological treatment of the residual fraction: quality improvement and contribution to landfill diversion targets Dr. Sergio Scotti Even in districts where source separated collections are implemented, a Residual Fraction remains. This fraction can be treated in MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment) Plants that, other than stabilising biologically the waste, can produce a fuel and other recyclable fractions. Further materials recovery for recycling purpose is possible: the critical point is the quality of the materials that should be recycled. Results of experimental and industrial experiences of simple materials recovery techniques applied to residual waste in different plants where the residual fraction has been submitted to aerobic biodrying process are presented. Keywords: MBT, Biodrying, recycling, residual fraction Download |
Effect of bio-drying on sorting and combustion performances of municipal solid waste Prof.Dr. Liming Shao, Dongqing Zhang, Prof. Pinjing He The aerobic and combined hydrolytic–aerobic bio-drying processes were separately set up to investigate sorting and combustion performances of MSW by bio-drying. Results showed that the sorting efficiency was found to be correlated with water content negatively (correlation coefficient, R=–0.89) and organics degradation positively (R=0.92). The high heating values were correlated with organics degradation positively (R=0.90), whereas the low heating values were negatively correlated with water content (R=–0.96). The potential emissions of combustion gases were correlated with organics degradation (correlation coefficient, R=0.67 for HCl, R=0.96 for SO2, R=0.91 for PCDD/Fs and R=–0.60 for NOx). Interestingly, the bio-drying could significantly improve the ratio of gas emissions to low heating values, although it resulted in the increase of the emissions per kg of combustion wastes. Keywords: Municipal solid waste; bio-drying; sorting efficiency; combustion; HCl; SO2; NOx; PCDD/Fs Download |
Machinery for preparing different qualities of RDF Dr. Martin Wellacher, Rudolf Pretzler The present situation in waste management in the European Union shows dynamic development of waste treatment technology. To accomplish the European Waste Directive waste treatment is essential for enhancing recycling and recovery and reducing disposal. The work was performed by means of visits to RDF plants, interviews of operating personal followed by calculations of mass balances and economical indices. Three types of RDF were defined according their qualities, “RDF light”, “RDF classic” and “RDF premium”. Each type was defined by summarizing three applications. A design recommendation for a ballistic-separator dominated RDF plant is given. Due to the reduced and different machinery this plant shows advantages related to a wind-sifter dominated plant. The differences in energy demand run up to -27%, in investment -23% and in operating costs -22%. Meanwhile two new RDF plants are built in Hagenbrunn, Lower Austria, A, and in Bernburg, Saxony, D, according the proposed technology. Keywords: Waste, treatment, refuse derived fuel, shredder, ballistic separation, wind-sifting Download |
Feasibility of Acoustic Sorting for Black Materials in Solid Waste Processing M.Sc. Jiu Huang, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz During the last decade sensor based sorting like 3D cameras and Near – Infra – Red (NIR) sorting made a huge technical improvement and enabled its industrial implementation. One of the still remaining problem lies within the sorting of black materials like plastics and rubbers which are very difficult to sort by using conventional visual sensors. This results from absorption of NIR emissions. The black materials have different structures and acoustic emissions when an impact is given. By using the acquisition and analysis of the acoustic signals from the impact in frequency-domain, the characteristics and features of different materials can be extracted and then transferred to the sorting system as sorting criteria. The key device of acoustic signal acquirement and analysis is the Data Acquisition (DAQ) card. With the high development of signal processing technologies, the capacity, compatibility, stability and flexibility of a soundcard is already adequate for industrial measurements and its price is much lower than the professional DAQ cards. The Signal acquirement and analysis systems which are discussed in this paper are therefore based on computer soundcards. Keywords: Sensor based sorting, Impact acoustic, Spectrum analysis, LabVIEW Download |
Quality Improvement in RDF and Other Non-metallic Products through Magnet and Sensor Sorting Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Kohaupt Solid waste has become a material source for various applications, such as Residue Derived Fuel (RDF), polymers, or wood for chip board production. The removal of components which reduce quality is essential for the widespread use of these materials. A recent feature of sensor sorting systems is magnetic separation, which has become a must for quality-assured RDF. State-of-the-art technologies include inductive sensoring, x-ray transmission and near infrared spectroscopy. Keywords: Magnetic sorting, eddy current separation, sensor sorting systems, residue derived fuel, wood recycling Download |
Mechanical Biological Treatment and its role in Europe Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) is a generic term for the integration of a number of waste management processes such as materials recovery facilities (MRF), refuse derived fuel (RDF) production, mechanical separation, sorting, composting and pasteurising. In order to minimise environmental nuisance for odour, fly and noise nuisance, these facilities are required to be housed within a building and normally under negative pressure. The use of bio-filters is also required to treat any odour problems. The MBT process is designed to take residual or black bin waste and process it so that valuable recyclable materials can be separated out and the biomass or “compostable” element is separated out and processed through an In Vessel Composting (IVC) or an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) system. Download |
Fire Extinguishing Concepts for Recycling Plants Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Günter Knopf This fire extinguishing concept analyses problems that may occur with fires in recycling plants and shows improved procedures for safe and economical automatic fire fighting. Download |
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment - Experiences getting from practice N.T.D. Trang, Nguyen Binh, Nguyen Gia Long Looking for a suitable municipal waste management’s method for town and district is an important task for Vietnam. In such areas the generated waste amount is not big and waste service hardly joins to the public Urban Environment Company’s system, due to a high cost of transportation. In this case, therefore a private company, the Hydraulic- Machine Co., LTD has developed an appropriate technology made in Vietnam. This technology uses for “Treatment of Solid Waste into Fuels” (MBT-CD.08), which has got the Certification of Vietnam Technology Ownership and it is being on the way of extend its application throughout the country. Schematic diagram of the MBT-CD.08, material flow, heat value of the RDF product and the emission as well as scientific comments were reported. Key words: Technology, treatment, solid waste, fuel, material flow, heat value, emission, hazardous substance, mechanical sorting Download |
Policy and technology status regarding Waste-to-Energy and the role of MBT in Korea Ph.D. Hyunhee Lee The Ministry of Environment has established ‘Comprehensive Master plan for Waste to- Energy’ in response to high oil prices, greenhouse gas reduction, and control of ocean dumping of liquid organic waste. The goal of waste control policy has always been the safe and sanitary disposal of wastes; from now on, however, it will include the recovery of energy as well as the safe disposal of wastes. Specifically, energy recovery shall be promoted with 33,376 tons/day of combustible wastes for landfill and liquid organic wastes dumped into the ocean to achieve the 31% goal by 2012 and 100% goal by 2020. Likewise, 57 facilities shall be built including MBT facilities, RDF power plants, biogasification facilities, and power plants for 31% energy recovery by 2012. To carry out these measures, approximately USD 2.16 billion needs to be invested; thus generating economic benefits of USD 877 million per year beginning 2012, creating 17,000 jobs, and enabling Korea to respond to international treaties related to climate change. Keywords: Waste-to-Energy, Combustible wastes, Organic wastes, MBT, Biogasification, Energy recovery, Power plant Download |
Experience of Tehran in Improving Integrated Waste Management- Focus on MBT Methods S. Amir N. Harati, Farhad Pormohammad sakha This study focuses on solid waste management in Tehran and the strategies for gaining to the best result with focus on BMT systems. As the MBT is the most important system in Tehran solid waste management hence there are different technologies that are more used in waste management. This paper proposes methodological approach for combination of above mention systems. The results show BMT adopts with Tehran waste characteristics carefully. Mean while, the MBT methodology has been applied for Solid waste management in Tehran. Keywords: Waste Management, compost, MBT Methods, CDM Download |
Material Recovery Stations in City of Tehran: A Case Study Mahak Sabouri, Mohammad Mehdi Anvari This paper presents practical experiences in design, manufacturing and management of the Material Recovery Station (MRS). In addition this paper uses some related information to report the current state of MRS in Tehran. Here, Tehran's MRS systems will be analyzed with respect to their performances. Considering the local needs, a tailor made cost-effective waste recovery system is proposed to optimize the current MRS. It is estimated that once the proposed MRS plant is implemented, it will increase the recovery rate by 5 to 10 percent. In other words, considering all the 22 stations in Tehran municipality equipped with the proposed system, at least 140,000 tons of waste per day can be recovered and hence diverted from the landfill. Keywords: Material Recovery Station, Municipal waste, Source Separation, Recovery Line, Recovery System Download |
Environmental and Economical Aspects for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Alternatives in Some Lithuanian Regions: Incineration and/or Mechanical Biological Treatment Dr. Assoc. Prof. Gintaras Denafas, Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dainius Martuzevicius, Nijole Vaupšiene Seeking to satisfy the requirements Lithuanian Strategic Waste Management Plan the feasibilities of two main alternatives like incineration and mechanical-biological treatment have been accessed for some Lithuanian waste management regions. This assessment has been performed by use of LCA-IWM assessment tool. It is evident that alternative of MMSW incineration in some energetic and environmental aspects is more advantaged than MMSW mechanical-biological treatment and subsequent incineration of obtained high calorific fraction (HCF). Also only during MMSW incineration the values of waste energy efficiency according to new EU Waste Directive are satisfied. Keywords: Energy efficiency, environmental impact, high calorific fraction, incineration, life cycle assessment, mechanical biological treatment, municipal solid waste. Download |
Does EU waste legislation comply with the best available MBT technologies? Indrek Paal My presentation is driven by the rejecting attitude we have faced during the establishing process of the very first mixed municipal solid wastes MBT terminal in the Baltic states. During the preparatory phase of the presentation, the presumable cause for the doubts of local Estonian officials became evident – sorry to say, but it all starts from the existing and emerging European legislation. MBT technology, especially processing mixed solid wastes and the subsequent products is described in a number of EU documents that regulate waste handling in a manner that allows them to be held an evolutionary deadend, if desired. Ecocleaner has been engaged in investigating MBT problems for four years. We operate the Baltic first mixed municipal solid wastes MBT terminal since the 1st of January, 2008. The aim of the presentation is to introduce a possible utilization field that is already tested in practice, and the associated problems. Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste & MBT vs Composting & separately collected biowaste Download |
The situation of Austrian MBT-plants – a synopsis of data originating from a research project Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Tintner, Dr. Katharina Meissl, Dipl.-Ing Erwin Binner The target of the FWF-research project (January 2007 to September 2009) is the development of prediction models for the determination of time consuming parameters. Respiration activity, gas generation sum and calorific value have to comply with the limit values of the Austrian Landfill ordinance before landfilling. The prediction models are based on infrared spectral and thermal analyses (differential scanning calorimetry DSC) and multivariate statistics. Due to many advantages these methods are promising tools for the application in waste management practice in the future. In the course of the project many data of all Austrian MBT-plants were generated using conventional and innovative methods. This study gives a short synopsis of the results obtained to date. Similarities and differences between the plants depending on input materials and process operation are presented. Variations of processes in the same plant due to changing operation conditions are visualized by FTIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and by conventional parameters. Download |
Advances in waste processing and diversion from landfill in Australia David Gamble Alternative waste technologies are expected to be the main focus for improved processing and resource recovery of municipal wastes in the immediate future. There is scope to extend this to commercial wastes. In NSW, there are already three AWT facilities in operation, two more being built and two more planned to be operating by 2010. This paper discusses current progress in implementing AWT in Australia, and provides an update of recent projects and factors driving the implementation of new waste technologies in Australia. Keywords: Alternative waste technology, AWT, sustainable waste management Download |
From waste to resource management - Do we still need incineration? Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier With regard to the shortage and price increase of resources it is important to break new ground in waste management to support sustainable methods of waste treatment in the future. The following article gives an overview of the availability and the use of raw materials (fossil fuels, metallic and non-metallic) in some important countries in the world. Also, it is shown how CO2-emissions can be reduced by recycling and valuable resources can be saved for future generations. Today’s methods of waste treatment (mechanical-biological-treatment or waste incineration) are evaluated concerning their feasibility for sustainable waste management. Finally recommendations on how to reach a sustainable waste management are presented. Keywords: waste management, resources, raw materials, waste treatment, MBT, incineration Download |
How is MBT-technology in 20 years? Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Tintner, Dipl. Ing. Dr. Ena Smidt, Dr. Katharina Meissl, Dipl.-Ing Erwin Binner The future challenge in waste management will be the use of resources from waste in a proper way. In this paper data of four sorting analyses are presented. Input materials of four MBT plants were investigated and assessed in terms of the intended purpose. About 5 to 10 % were sorted for material recovery. Improved sorting technologies can provide about 30 % for heat production. Data of carbon sequestration in landfilled MBT material are presented and compared to municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash. The total organic carbon (TOC) content differs from MBT material (average ~ 17 % DM) to MSWI bottom ash (average ~ 2 % DM). Finally incineration of municipal solid waste containing biogenic materials and food waste with high water contents is discussed. Keywords: MBT technology, material recovery, sorting analyses, carbon sequestration Download |
Evaluation of system costs for the use of plastics with regard to disposal costs Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Niestroj, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu In this paper we evaluate the real costs for the use of plastics regarding costs for disposal. These costs are until now not sufficiently reflected in the consumer prices. This causes massive competitive disadvantages for renewable raw materials, even though these are produced with significantly lower energy consumption and disposal costs. Plastics waste has no recycling potential and should be regarded as waste for disposal. Keywords: Plastics, Recycling, Disposal, System costs, Antimony Download |
Recovering biowastes from municipal waste to land: maintaining public confidence through regulation Dave Purchase This paper explains how the Environment Agency is developing its approach regulating the recovery of compost-like output (CLO) derived from the mechanical, biological treatment (MBT) of mixed municipal solid waste. This is currently the focus of our attention on the recovery of a range of organic wastes. The paper gives the author’s current answers and views on the following questions: What is MBT CLO and how can it be used? What are the problems with its use and the restrictions that are imposed? What is the position of the Environment Agency on sustainable use of biowastes and the use of MBT CLO on agricultural land? What is the demand, and how much CLO is there? What are the risks and how are we regulating them? How will we improve the evidence? This approach is driven by the belief that we can only increase public confidence in the recycling of biowastes if we actively maintain public confidence in how we regulate those risks. Keywords: MBT, CLO, mechanical-biological treatment, compost-like output, bioresources, MSW, mixed municipal solid waste Download |
Risk assessment for the use of mixed waste composts on previously developed land in the UK Dr. Antony S. Chapman, Dr. Graham Merrington, Prof. R.P. Bardos Within the current regulatory framework in the UK the most significant land-based outlet for MBT compost in the UK is likely to be previously developed land (PDL). If MBT compost is to be successfully and sustainably applied to PDL over time, there is a need to assess the potential environmental and human health risks of such an activity in a proportionate and robust manner. Such an assessment would provide a clear framework through which informed decisions could be made by both environmental regulators and the regulated community alike. This paper will describe the potential scale of future MBT compost production in the UK and potential applications for the material on PDL, as well as approaches to the assessment of the degree of risk involved in doing so. Keywords: MBT, compost, Previously Developed Land (PDL), risk assessment, market opportunities Download |
Mechanical-Biological Treatment: the French approach to agronomic compost quality’ How to generate soil conditioners from RHR* in order to optimise the recovery of organic matter Emmanuel Adler, Nicolas Fruteau, Jean-Marie Rebillat This paper will describe and analyse the current status of French MBT plants on a technical basis, providing the regulatory framework for compost management. Various issues will be addressed (partnership between waste processors and downstream compost users, the type of MBT technology implemented, flow sheets, etc.) and special emphasis will be placed on the environmental benefits of the MBT approach. Download |
Addition of an Anaerobic Treatment Stage to MBT Plants – Based on the Example of Rostock Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles, Joachim Westphal, Dr. Gert Morscheck In Germany, a large number of MBT and waste incineration plants are available for the pre-treatment of municipal waste.MBT plants usually separate waste into combustible fractions, mainly plastics, which can be thermally used in specific plants, and another fraction, which mainly consists of natural organic components and is treated aerobically in most cases. In principle, mechanical(-biological) treatment processes have proven their functionality. Technical difficulties which arose during operation of such plants have meanwhile been solved to a considerable extent. However, there remains a need for optimisation in some plants and regarding certain parts of the MBT-technology. In January 2004, the city parliament of Rostock decided on a major change in the concept: the MBT plant was still to be built, but plans for an incineration facility under the responsibility of the EVG were cancelled. The Vattenfall Europe New Energy GmbH is currently building an RDF-fired thermal power station next to the MBT plant. The foundation stone for the MBT Rostock was laid on 27 May 2004; operations commenced on 1 June 2005. A fermentation facility as an addition to the MBT plant was commissioned in July 2008. This article includes following contents: -Plant Technology -What is the point of adding fermentation to the MBT plant? -The EVG’s Fermentation Stage -The Fermentation Unit - KOMPOGAS Dry Fermentation -Benefits of the Retrofitting of the MBT plant Rostock Download |
Modernization of a Swiss MBT-plant with the SCHUBIO®-Process Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu The only operating mechanical-biological Swiss treatment plant for municipal solid waste (MSW) and biowaste (KBA Hard) will be modernized and the SCHUBIO®-Process will be implemented for the first time on industrial scale. The project and the characteristics of the innovative process are presented in this paper. It is shown, that all output fractions from MSW as well as from biowaste are completely recyclable. Keywords: SCHUBIO®-Process, Municipal Solid Waste, Biowaste, washing process, Schaffhausen, KBA Hard Download |
Simplified Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste by Adjustment of Percolation BIOLEACHATE° Process Dr. Peter Schalk Most of the MBT-systems have been developed and installed in countries with a sanitary management of municipal solid waste which is financed by public fees or waste charges. When applied in developing and emerging countries these technologies initially have to be adjusted technically for a different composition of solid waste firstly. Secondly the limited budget for treatment of municipal solid waste requires to a costeffective facility process. As a result for this application the approved system of percolation is adjusted to the simplified treatment, BIOLEACHATE° process. Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biodegradation, biogas, dewatering, leaching, mechanicalbiological treatment, percolation, process water treatment, reduction of pollutants, waste water treatment Download |
Löschanlagenkonzept für Recyclinganlagen Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Günter Knopf Dieses Löschanlagenkonzept analysiert die Probleme bei Bränden in Recyclinganlagen und ermittelt verbesserte Verfahren zur sicheren und wirtschaftlichen automatischen Brandbekämpfung. Download |
RTO-Anlagen der neuesten Generation Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Breeger Die Fristen zur Umsetzung der 30. BImSchV für mechanisch biologische Abfallbehandlungsanlagen sind abgelaufen. Die erforderlichen Abluftreinigungsanlagen (thermische Nachverbrennungsanlagen und biologische Systeme) weisen mittlerweile Betriebszeiten von bis zu 4 Jahren auf. Betriebserfahrungen zur Einhaltung der Grenzwerte, Korrosions- und Siloxanproblematik liegen vor und werden vorgestellt. Insbesondere wird auf Praxisbeispiele für betriebsoptimierte RTO-Anlagen für Anwendungsfälle im MBA-Bereich eingegangen. Download |
Erweiterung von MBAs um eine anaerobe Stufe am Beispiel Rostock Joachim Westphal, Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles, Dr. Gert Morscheck Seit dem 1. Juni 2005 müssen Siedlungsabfälle vor der Deponierung behandelt werden. Ziel dieser Vorbehandlung ist die Inertisierung des Abfalls, dadurch sollen Reaktionen des Abfalls in der Deponie verhindert werden. Zur Vorbehandlung haben sich in Deutschland zwei Verfahren etabliert, die thermische Behandlung der Abfälle in Müllverbrennungsanlagen (MVA) und die mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung (MBA). Download |
Bewertung der Systemkosten für den Einsatz von Kunststoffen unter Einbeziehung der Kosten für Entsorgung Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Niestroj, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu Der Beitrag bewertet die realen Systemkosten der Kunststoffproduktion und Entsorgung. Die Entsorgungskosten für Kunststoffe fließen bislang jedoch nur teilweise in die Konsumentenpreise ein, so dass ein erheblicher Wettbewerbsnachteil für nachwachsende Rohstoffe entsteht, obwohl diese erheblich geringere Produktionsenergie verbrauchen und geringere Entsorgungskosten verursachen. Kunststoffabfall ist kein Wertstoff und sollte als Abfall zur Beseitigung betrachtet werden. Download |
Von der Abfall- zur Ressourcenwirtschaft: Brauchen wir noch die Müllverbrennung? Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier In Hinblick auf die durch Bevölkerungswachstum und Erschöpfung der Lagerstätten bedingte Verknappung und Verteuerung von Rohstoffen ist es sinnvoll, zukunftsfähige Modelle der Restabfallbehandlung zu erarbeiten, um eine resourcenschonende, umweltgerechte Abfallwirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Download |
Erneuerung der KBA Hard mit dem SCHUBIO®-Verfahren Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Erneuerung der KBA Hard, der einzigen in der Schweiz betriebenen MBA mit dem SCHUBIO®-Verfahren vorgestellt. Neben der Darstellung des Projektes werden die wesentlichen Merkmale des innovativen Verfahrens erläutert. Es wird die vollständige Verwertbarkeit der Produkte sowohl aus Restabfall als auch aus Bioabfall gezeigt. Download |
Einsatz von Kunststoffen Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Niestroj, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu Bewertung der Systemkosten für den Einsatz von Kunststoffen unter Einbeziehung der Kosten für Entsorgung Download |
EU Waste Management - Implementation of the Waste Framework Directive- Cologne, Germany, June 2010 - By setting ambitious recycling targets and clearer defining of technical terms, the latest revision of the EU waste framework directive will have huge influence on the waste management industry and waste flows in Europe. Major investments in new technology have to be expected in most EU countries. The conference will keep you up to date on the following topics: · The new waste framework directive and next steps in EU waste policy · Current situation and implementation of the waste framework directive in selected European countries · Avoidance and waste management concepts · Management of special waste flows · Recovery of plastics and other types of high calorific waste · Increasing energy efficiency in waste to energy processes · Material specific waste treatment |
Reduce; re-use; recycle – a global necessity Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kühle-Weidemeier The approaching exhaustion of many raw materials and expanding demand for resources due to fast growth of word population and increasing prosperity in many developing countries are a challenge for the world economy and will become a driving factor for enhanced waste treatment / material recovery technology. Quantity and quality of recovered resources from residual waste depend on the kind of waste treatment. Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) and incineration are the dominant treatment technologies for residual waste and have to prove their feasibility for sustainable waste and resource management. Download |
“Future is not an extrapolation of the past” (CK Prahalad) – The way to global resource management Dr. Bärbel Birnstengel, Holger Alwast, Arno Häusler Based on own Prognos analyses the article shows the so far achieved recovery rates for selected waste streams within the 27 EU member states as well as the still existing resource potential - a potential that can also contribute significantly to climate protection. Looking back from the future the article describes the major challenges of our time and for our future and develops visions for a global resource management system. Download |
Current situation and implementation of the waste framework directive in Germany MinR Dr. phil. Diplom-Volkswirt Andreas Jaron The current situation of waste management in Germany has technical, economic and legal aspects. Technically and organisationally Germany has reached a high standard in waste management including environmentally sound capacity for almost all kinds of wastes. This is reflected in the evolution of imports and exports esp. in hazardous wastes. Download |
From waste to materials management John Wante The waste framework directive forms the legal basis of European waste legislation. The original directive dates from 1975 and was thoroughly revised in 2008. This revision served several purposes. First of all, the revision was part of the process of “better regulation” in which existing environmental legislation is screened on potential simplification without lowering the level of environmental protection. The new waste framework directive integrates three old directives, namely the old waste framework directive, the directive on hazardous waste and the waste oil directive, three pieces of legislation that showed considerable overlaps. Download |
Greece confronted with the new Waste Framework Directive Assoc. Prof. Avraam Karagiannidis, Kyriakos Oikonomou This study assessed greenhouse gas emissions of different municipal solid waste treatment technologies currently under assessment in the new regional plan for Attica in the frame of addressing the country’s contemporary waste management challenges Download |
Waste Management in Romania: past and present Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Tiberiu Apostol, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Dr. Ing. Dipl. Irina Aura Istrate In Romania, as well as in other countries around the world, the impact of waste on the environment has increased at an alarming rate during the past 20 years. The inappropriate management of this problem has caused soil, subsoil and groundwater contamination, fugitive emissions of methane and toxic gases, with direct impact on the public health. Download |
Waste Producers' Duty of Care under European Community Law Randy Michael Mott In a little-noticed case in 2008, the European Court of Justice held that waste producers have a duty to take reasonable precautions to assure proper disposal of their waste under the Waste Framework Directive. The Court, in effect, invalidated the laws of 15 Member States that purport to allow transfer of liability to third-party waste vendors. The same “polluter pays” language as to waste producers was re-enacted in the revised Directive and should be reflected in the latest transposition of the Directive in 2010 to meet the Court's ruling on what is mandatory community law. Download |
Optimization model of integrated MSW management Ing. Dipl.-Chem. Lubomir Nondek The communication presents a conceptual model proposed for optimal municipal solid waste allocation. The current version of model optimizes cumulative emission of greenhouse gases. Model takes advantages of algebraic modelling languages, which enables to develop models in a scalable manner independent of the database used. Continuous flows of four municipal solid waste components (bio-waste, materials, refuse derived fuel and inert fraction), which take place between sets of sources and installations are quantified and converted to the greenhouse gases emission. Uncertainties of inputs, especially varying composition of MSW, have been modelled by Monte-Carlo experiments. Download |
Evolution of a collection scheme in 15 years: quality and efficiency in the North Italian experience Christian Garaffa, Cristian Roverato, Andrea Miorandi, Luca Mariotto When considering organic waste collection, quality is always a critical aspect. This work summarizes the experience of the Northern Italian waste management public consortium TV3 (Treviso Tre), which has been running residential source separation schemes of organic waste since the mid 1990s. Today the mature separate collection scheme shows contamination rates of less than 2% in the collected feedstock. Download |
Zagreb Municipal Waste Management – Vienna or Naples Model? M.Sc.M.E Vladimir Potocnik Croatian capital Zagreb for the third time is attempting to build Waste-To-Energy (WTE) plant. Zagreb WTE plant is planned to treat thermally residual municipal solid waste (MSW) and sludge from the existing Zagreb waste water treatment plant, and to produce energy from waste. The project has been postponed mainly due to opposition of some environmental organizations. Download |
Strategy and Implementation Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management in Tehran S. Amir N. Harati, Mohammad Reza Azimian The Tehran Solid Waste Management Strategy is being developed with the current situation, the current organizational structure and the current operational practices. The waste management organization has done various projects in public awareness, composting etc. The management and operation of solid waste relate to lots of criteria more than the human mind can handle effectively. The reports show integrated view in the solid waste management is the best method for management under multi dimensional situation. Download |
Hazardous waste classification and re-use (end of waste) by New Waste Directive, CLP and REACH Regulations PhD.-Eng. Monika Malicka Hazardous waste’ means waste which displays one or more of the hazardous properties H. Attribution of the hazardous properties H is derived from risk phrases R coming from Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC. New CLP Regulation (repealing above Directives) in place of risk phrases R introduces hazard statements H. That means, that soon we will derive hazardous properties H (1 or 2-digit) from hazard statements H (3-digit) of it’s components. Download |
Improvement of hazardous waste management in Turkey through introduction of a web-based system for data collection and quality control Dipl.-Ing. Volker Küchen The Waste Framework Directive (WASTE FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE, 2008) specifies certain measures to ensure that waste is recovered or disposed of in accordance with Article 13, i.e. without endangering human health or harming the environment. Specific measures laid down in the WFD include the introduction and common use of appropriate classification systems (LoW: Art. 7; recovery and disposal codes: Annex I and II), the principle of producer responsibility (Art. 14, Art. 15), the issue of permits for waste treatment facilities (Art. 23), the drafting of waste management plans (Art. 28), the requirement that the actors of waste management shall be subject to appropriate periodic inspections (Art 34) and their obligation to keep records on their activities (Art. 35). Download |
DIRECT-MAT – developing best practice on recycling or safe disposal of road materials in Europe Konrad Mollenhauer, Maria Arm, Yannick Descantes, Knud A. Pihl, Laszlo Gaspar The European road network has a total length of more than 5.8 million km (ERF 2007) and it is still growing. Obviously, various pavement layers exhibit different lifetimes which makes regular maintenance work necessary. As a result, several hundred million tons of road materials are excavated each year from a number of demolished pavement layers. According to European policy (EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 2006), these materials can be seen as wastes, viz. “substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard”. Nevertheless, in nearly all countries, part of these road construction wastes is reused or recycled back into road infrastructure and this part may reach 100 % depending on the type of road waste. Download |
Legal requirements and practice of the transport of healthcare waste within European Union Karine Brück, Ing. Dipl.- Pedro Ramalho Transport of healthcare waste moves enormous quantities within European Union every year and is regulated by European and international legislation on the transport of hazardous goods, according to the classification established internationally by UNO. From a legal point of view, two international instruments have been incorporated in European Law to regulate this sector. Download |
Plastic Flows from Production to (optimal) Recycling Roland Fehringer During the last 50 years, plastic materials have become one of the most important types of materials used in various branches. Due to their special features, i.e. low weight, availability and costs, they have substituted or replaced many traditional materials and are at present widely applied in short- and long-life products. They are dominating the packaging market, and are more and more commonly used in automotive and building sectors. Therefore, assessment of plastic flows and their appropriate management, in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development, has recently become an important issue in modern societies, worth more comprehensive investigations. Download |
Bewertung der Systemkosten für den Einsatz von Kunststoffen unter Einbeziehung der Kosten für Entsorgung bzw. Verwertung Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Niestroj, Dipl.-Biol. Kirsten Schu In this paper we evaluate the real costs for the use of plastics regarding costs for disposal. These costs are until now not sufficiently reflected in the consumer prices. This causes massive competitive disadvantages for renewable raw materials, even though these are produced with significantly lower energy consumption and disposal costs. Plastics waste has no recycling potential and should be regarded as waste for disposal. Download |
Innovative Waste Infrastructure Procurement in the UK – Separated Waste Services and Fuel Use Contracts Euston Ling, Tim Judson The Authority is the second largest waste disposal authority (“WDA”) in the UK, handling around 3% of the national municipal waste (1.3 million tonnes per annum (“tpa”)) by 2045). The Authority is a statutory authority, which was established in 1986 after the abolition of the Greater London Council (“GLC”). Its prime statutory responsibility is for the disposal of waste collected by the seven north London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest (the "Constituent Boroughs"). The Constituent Boroughs are also the waste collection authorities (“WCAs”). Download |
Formel für die Energieeffizienz - Bedeutung und Anwendung Ing. Mag. Walter Hauer Die EU-Richtlinie über Abfälle verwendet zur Einstufung der Abfallverbrennung als Verwertung die so genannte Energieeffizienz. Der Wert stellt einen Vergleichswert, aber keinen Wirkungsgrad dar. Dem Stand der Technik entsprechende Anlagen überschreiten den Schwellenwert großteils; eine Abfallverbrennung wird daher gemäß EURichtlinie meist eine „sonstige Verwertung“ darstellen. Für die praktische Anwendung der Formel sind noch eindeutige Richtlinien, insbesondere zu den Systemgrenzen, erforderlich. Derzeit besteht erheblicher Interpretationsspielraum. Download |
Increasing energy efficiency: A plant manufacturers view Dipl.-Ing. Mariusz Maciejewski To increase the energy efficiency of the waste-to-energy plants is the main challenge of each plant manufacturer. This article lists some current trends and picks- up three of them by mean of examples from current Keppel Seghers projects. Download |
Erzielung einer hohen Energieeffizienz im EBS-Kraftwerk Stavenhagen Karl-Heinz Plepla, Thomas Hegner Betreiber des EBS HKW Stavenhagen ist die Nehlsen Heizkraftwerke GmbH & Co. KG. Das EBS HKW versorgt seit Sommer 2007 den Kartoffelprodukte-Hersteller Pfanni in Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit Prozessdampf und Strom. Energielieferant und Abnehmer liegen lokal eng beieinander. Vom Pfanni-Werk Stavenhagen und vom EBS HKW nicht benötigte elektrische Energie wird in ein externes Netz eingespeist. Download |
French national household waste characterization survey Erwann FANGEAT A representative sample was constituted of 100 municipalities randomly selected to represent the country as a whole. Rubbish in these municipalities was collected in two separate containers, one for household waste and the other for waste generated by economically productive activities. Samples of residual household waste were dried, screened and then sorted into 13 categories and 39 sub-categories. Samples of sourceseparated materials were simply screened, then sorted. Download |
Sensor based sorting: A key technology for sustainable waste management , Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz Waste is a heterogeneous mixture of materials often containing reusable or recyclable materials. In accordance with the hierarchy of the EU requirements “Prevention - Preparing for reuse – Recycling - Other Recovery – Disposal of Waste”, waste processing and recycling additionally fulfills the duty to protect the environment and to preserve primary resources. In order to meet the demands of increasing recycling rates and the quality of recycled waste materials sensor based sorting is playing an important and increasing role in waste processing techniques. Download |
Comparison of Methods for the Treatment of Mixed Municipal Waste from Households Dipl.-Ing. Josef Mitterwallner, Univ.-Lektor Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilhelm Himmel The aim of the present study was a reliable comparison of two main municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment methods, the biological-thermal way and the thermal-only way. The biological-thermal method includes mechanical pre-treatment to separate the MSW mainly in two fractions, one for composting (undersize fraction) and the other for incineration (oversize fraction), i.e. Solid Recovered Fuel. The subsequent biological and thermal treatments produce compost as a biologically stable product and incineration residues both for disposal in landfills. Download |
Pre-Processing of Municipal Solid Waste before Anaerobic Digestion - CAPEX and OPEX as model calculation Dr.-Ing. Michael Langen Processing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) before Anaerobic Digestion(AD) is highly considerable in terms of capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX). The paper determines different process options like “Standard” and “AdvancedBioSolids” and characterizes the process options. The “Standard“ option is relatively simple and comprises only few process steps. The “AdvancedBioSolids” option is more complex and refines the biosolid fraction by segregating inorganic items and other non-digestibles in a multi-stage dry refining process. Download |
Endeavours of Poland to reach a high standard of municipal waste management PhD Magdalena Rybaczewska-Blazejowska From the beginning of the preparation for accession to the European Union, Poland has certainly made great progress in strengthening the system of waste management. Over the last 20 years, the municipal waste problems, though not yet solved, have begun to be recognised and addressed. The National Waste Management Strategies for Poland, published in 2002 and 2006, have undoubtedly played a stimulating role for the improvement of functioning of the municipal solid waste sector. Download |
Waste-to-Resources 2011 IV. International Symposium MBT & MRF 2011Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of municipal solid waste & material recovery facilities (MRF) with sensor based sorting technology |
Relevance, Targets and Technical Concepts of Mechanical-Biological Treatment in Various Countries Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Müller, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Bockreis Different concepts of mechanical-biological waste treatment are explained alongside with parameters to assess the performance of the systems with respect to regulatory requirements. Download |
A Comparison of two Biological Treatment Processes for Residual Waste Management Tony Yates The paper presents a technology comparison of MBT Anaerobic Digestion and MBT biodrying for treatment of residual municipal waste. Download |
Potential of the Microbial Methane Oxidation to Mitigate Low Gas Emissions of Mechanically and Biologically Treated Waste Dipl.-Biol. Sonja Bohn, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Jager In the framework of the MiMethox-project, financed by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research, a process study on a MBT landfill is done. The results of a lysimeter study for qualitative and quantitative MBT landfill gas analyzes are introduced. Download |
Composting of Municipal Solid Waste in the districts of Lomé (Togo): experimental process study and agronomic use potential Komi Edem Koledzi, Gnon Baba, Gado Tchangbedji, Guy Matejka, G. Feuillade This study concerns waste processing by composting in Lomé (Togo). It presents the composition of this waste, the treatment by composting of this waste recovered in the transfer sites and collected within individual households, an evaluation of its use as a fertilizer, and finally a market research to determine its economic value. Download |
Biological mechanical treatment of municipal solid waste in China: lab and field application Fan Lu, Na Yang, Prof.Dr. Liming Shao, Prof. Pinjing He High water content and the putrescible property of municipal solid waste (MSW) could greatly deteriorate the sorting efficiency, deactivate the operations of aerobic treatment and incineration, as well as aggravate the landfill pollutions. Download |
German GHG Mitigation Lighthouse Project MBT Plant Gaobeidian (PR China) Dr.-Ing. Florian Kölsch, Dr. Mathias Ginter, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke In June 2009, the German Federal Ministry of Environment granted a fund to the German company AWN Umwelt GmbH (Buchen) to establish a mechanical biological treatment plant in the City of Gaobeidian (PR China). The facility is seen as a lighthouse project for GHG mitigation. Download |
Role of MBT in increasing the number of composting facilities in Iran Dr Nader Mokhtarani, Jahesh Kimia Company Manigeh Khaleghi Sarnamy, Babak Mokhtarani In I.R. Iran with respect to 0.64 Kg/Cap.day garbage, near 48,000 ton of solid waste is produced daily. Regarding to high percentage of biodegradable material in this waste, production of 10,000 ton/day of fine compost is possible. At this time, only 15 active composting plants are available in Iran and if all of them act with nominal capacity, only 12% of the total produced municipal solid waste will be processed and reminder will be disposed with the other methods. Download |
Practice of Waste Management in the Arab Region Dr.-Ing. Abdallah Nassour, Mohamad Al-Ahmad, Ayman El Naas Almost in all Arab countries general waste management concepts are still in the initial stage. Partly suitable laws were passed and some administrative structures have been established, but technical implementation, management, monitoring and financing of appropriate waste management systems are still considered to be a major challenge. Download |
Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Santiago de Chile – Recycling Treatment and Final Disposal Dipl.-Phys. Klaus-Rainer Bräutigam, Dipl.-Ing. Tahnee Gonzalez A detailed analysis of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile has been carried out within the framework of a research initiative of the German Helmholtz-Association. Download |
Municipal solid waste treatment in Poland – facts and myths PhD Magdalena Rybaczewska-Blazejowska The experience shows that there are still numerous misunderstandings about the municipal waste sector in Poland and thus the intension of this paper is to present analytically the current state of MSW treatment in Poland. Download |
Comparing the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Performance of Residual Waste Treatment Solutions Nick Cawthorne, Sarah Trevers Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF) and Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) take a fundamentally different approach to the management of residual waste as compared to Waste to Energy (WtE). Download |
MBT/MRF state of art and possible development in Norway M.Sc. Frode Syversen Norway has implemented a modern waste management system in compliance with European directives. But there is potential for improvements. In 2010 the amount of mixed household waste disposed via landfilling amounted to about 5-6% of waste generated, due to a new landfill ban for waste containing 10% TOC or more. Source separation, recycling, biological treatment and incineration are common solutions. MBT facilities are not a part of the system so far. Download |
Municipal Solid Waste sorting and treatment in Romania: strategies of energy recovery from two pilot case studies Gabriela Ionescu, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada, Dr.-Ing. Adrian Badea, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Tiberiu Apostol In the past decade, one of the main topics analyzed in the waste management area is how to dispose of the large quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW). Download |
Mechanical-Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste as a component of the Integrated Waste Management Concept for Santiago de Chile Env. Eng. (M.Sc.) Joachim Vogdt, Dipl.-Ing. Bastian Wens Based on the results of pre-feasibility analysis for the recycling program “Santiago Recicla”, the following paper gives an overview of the potentials of mechanical and mechanical-biological pre-treatment options for integrated MSW management in Santiago de Chile (MSW quantities, MSW composition, current recycling activities, proposed recycling measures and mechanical pre-treatment). Also different logistical alternatives for the collection of recyclable materials, drop-off systems or curbside collection of biowaste, as well as the production of Refuse Derived Fuels are discussed. Download |
Municipal Solid Waste Management Policies and Problems in Naples Head of the Italian Trust Fund Stefania Romano Waste management is gaining importance in today’s decision-makers’ agenda; the effectiveness of political actions on waste management directly affects the daily life of citizens, who are more and more sensitive to how waste plans are implemented and waste processes take place. Over the last decades waste started to be associated with management because of the need for plans and methodologies for its disposal; a procedure which requires specific and well-tailored policies. Download |
Maximum utilisation of municipal solid waste with the efficient Maximum Yield Technology system Dr.rer.nat. Georg Person, Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Schreiber Against the background of increasingly scarce raw materials, the use of alternative resources is becoming ever more important. In this context, municipal solid waste is also gaining in importance as a resource. Download |
Preparation of biological waste and municipal solid waste using the VMpress Karl Dirkes Municipal waste has always been considered a problem, something that no one wants to see, something to be removed and hidden as soon as possible. However, the mixed fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW), the materials that remain after separate collection of the recyclable components of urban waste, still contains large quantities of energy. Download |
Current Status and Prospects of Mechanical-Biological Treatment in Germany Thomas Grundmann, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Balhar A total of around 25 % of urban wastes is pretreated by means of MBT technology (MBT = Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment) in Germany. This technology is based on a material stream specific waste treatment. It means that the material properties of residual wastes - which are varying to a large extent - determine the selection and specification of treatment steps. Download |
The impact of increased differientiate collection on existing MBT plant and possible upgrading scenarios: the experiences of a central Italy plant Prof-Ing. Francesco Di Maria, Dr. Moreno Marionni The management and the production of MSW has been interested by many changes, during the last twenty years, mainly related to the new policy strategies in recycling and recovering. A large part of the Italian existing MBT facilities operates since the 1990, designed when the waste quality and quantity were quite different from the current one. Download |
Interaction of systems and feeding of bio methane into the gas pipeline network Dipl.-Ing. Burkart Schulte The Waste Management Center Pohlsche-Heide is responsible for the management of the waste generated from the 330,000 inhabitants and the commercial waste at the district of Minden-Lübbecke. This district is located in the east – north end of the state North Rhine-Westphalia. Download |
Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste before Anaerobic Digestion - CAPEX and OPEX as model calculation Dr.-Ing. Michael Langen Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) before Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is highly considerable in terms of capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX). The paper determines different treatment options like “Standard” and “AdvancedBioSolids” and characterizes the treatment options. The “Standard“ option is relatively simple and comprises only few process steps. The “AdvancedBioSolids” option is more complex and refines the biosolid fraction by sorting of inorganic items and other non-digestibles in a multi-stage dry refining process. Download |
Experimental Optimisation of Static Composting Reactors Dipl.-Ing. Kay Weichelt This study focuses on investigations for process optimisation of static dynamic reactors of the mechanical-biological waste treatment. This contains the process as self and the increase of the transparency of the whole control system. To achieve this, measurement equipment for temperature, gas composition and pressure was developed. Download |
An innovative approach for grape marc treatment: biodrying before combustion Simona Ciuta, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada, Dr.-Ing. Adrian Badea, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi, Felix Ast The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study on one of the possible uses of exhausted grape pomace/marc aimed to energy recovery. Download |
Umrüstung der MBA zur erweiterten Ersatzbrennstoffgewinnung Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Wiegel Durch Umstrukturierung der MBA auf biologische Trocknung des Unterkorns der mechanischen Aufbereitung kann ein trennfähiges (Trocken)Gut erzeugt werden, aus dem mit bekannten Verfahrenstechniken ein regenerativer Brennstoff ausgetrennt werden kann. Rd. 80 % des regenerativen Energiegehaltes im Unterkorn können damit zurückgewonnen werden. Je Tonne MBA-Input kann damit eine zusätzliche Minderung von rd. 250 kg CO2 erreicht werden. Download |
Modifying MBT for Fuel Production Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Wiegel Compared to other treatment options for mixed municipal solid waste, the pure aerobic MBT cannot exploit the energy of the organic fraction, since it is simply biologically oxidized with the aim of inertization. Download |
Mechanical Dewatering of Digestate - Necessity and Potential Dr. Peter Schalk Anaerobic digestion has become an established component of mechanical and biological treatment of municipal solid waste. However, anaerobic digestion does little to reduce the mass of solid waste in the form of biogas. Download |
Large-Scale Composting of Biowaste and Bio-Organics from MSW by using the TAIM WESER Composting System Dipl.-Berg.-Ing. Dietmar Polster, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Herken Since almost two decades TAIM WESER GmbH (former WESER-ENGINEERING GmbH) is designing, building and commissioning composting-plants for treating curbside collected biowaste as well as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in order to produce high quality compost for agricultural use or compost like output, a compost suitable to be used for e.g. road-greens, parks, re-greening of brown-fields or to fight against desertification in arid areas. Download |
MBT solution with windrow technology – investigations of the process performance Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Runge The worldwide demand for simple MBT solutions is still increasing. During the study and investigation for new projects as well as for improvement of already existing facilities there is a demand for layout and technological design of the biological treatment process. Download |
Adaption of a German MBT Process to the Boundary Conditions of Newly Industrialized Countries - Results of a pilot plant operated in Thailand Sebastian Platz, Dr.-Ing. Uwe Menzel, Dipl.-Ing. Martin Schaub, Dr. Jochen Amrehn A mechanical biological treatment (MBT) process for municipal solid waste (MSW), suitable for the boundary conditions of newly industrialized countries (NIC), was developed and tested in Thailand. The main purpose was to make the process simple, robust and economic. The process focuses on the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and a high biogas yield. The so-called BIOBUNK pilot plant consists of a shredder as mechanical stage and an aerobic mixed reactor as biological stage. Download |
Effective treatments of household waste using the BHSRotorshredder Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Christian Hein The selective comminution of household waste covers a wide range with huge potential. Also a combination of impact crushing and cutting techniques is considered a positive aspect. This will enhance the product quality and increase the recovery rates of an MBT facility. Download |
Modernization of MBT plant “KBA Hard” - Erection and commissioning Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schu In this paper we will describe the development of the SCHUBIO®-process for mechanical biological waste treatment as well as implementation of the first industrial scale SCHUBIO®-plant. Download |
MBT Larnaka, Cyprus – Waste Treatment Technology from Komptech Dr. Martin Wellacher The MBT Larnaka has been set in operation in April 2010. The plants capacity is 200.000 t per year. The main purpose of the MBT is the reduction of landfill emissions from untreated municipal solid waste. Download |
Release of VOCs and leachate during bio-drying process of MSW with high water content Na Yang, Ning Qiang, Fan Lu, Prof.Dr. Liming Shao, Prof. Pinjing He Two treatments were conducted to investigate the release patterns of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and leachate during the bio-drying of municipal solid waste (MSW) by intermittent and continuous passive ventilation. The results showed that butyraldehyde was the major contributor to the VOCs emission, and it’s maximum concentration was 254 ppm (v/v). Download |
Municipal Solid Waste bio-drying: odor problem of three configurations Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada, Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi In the sector of mechanical–biological plants, odor is not related to the presence of only one compound. Thus the management of the related problems is not easy. Download |
Economic Comparison of Landfilling with and without Anaerobic Pre-Treatment Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Burkhardt, Dipl.-Ing. Nina Müller, Dr.-Ing. Ludwig Streff Up to the present most development banks (such as the World Bank or the German KfW) have sponsored in particular the fundamentals of waste management such as collection, transport and the orderly depositing of waste. Download |
Efficient Desulphurization of Biogas based on a newly developed technology Dr.-Ing. Jörg Stockinger AD (anaerobic digestion) technology and biogas plants have been a great success in the near past and it will continue. This development is accompanied by an increasing relevance of the topic “desulphurization". Download |
New findings regarding the analysis of chlorine in wastederived fuels Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Schade-Dannewitz, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Poerschke, We are aware of the current strong interest in the energetic utilisation of waste-derived fuels (WDF). Rising energy costs are also boosting the substitution of fossil fuels with WDF. Download |
Neue Erkenntnisse zur Chloranalytik von Ersatzbrennstoffen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Schade-Dannewitz, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Poerschke, Bei der Qualitätssicherung von Ersatzbrennstoffen ist der Chlorgehalt von besonderem Interesse. Grundsätzlich lassen sich die Chlorverbindungen in organische wie z. B. PVC und anorganische Formen unterscheiden, welche sich im thermischen Prozess unterschiedlich freisetzen. Download |
Heating value of residues and waste derived fuels from different waste treatment methods Dr. Ioannis-Sofoklis Antonopoulos, Assoc. Prof. Avraam Karagiannidis, Dr. Efstratios Kalogirou Prevention of waste production at source, recycling of packaging waste and processing the organics are the main parts of the Hellenic waste management strategy. In the meanwhile recycling of packaging wastes may be compatible with incineration within integrated waste management systems. Download |
Physical and chemical assessment of the stabilization of residual household waste before landfilling at Alveol, a French MBT plant (Bellac, Haute Vienne) Thouraya Chantou, G. Feuillade, Denis Mausset, Guy Matejka, Jalal Bouzid An evaluation of the mechanical biological treatment (MBT), used at center Alveol (Bellac, France) was performed in terms of mass decrease, of biogas emission reduction and of biologically treated waste stability. Download |
Status and prospects of treatment technology for material and energy recovery from commercial solid waste Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Oetjen-Dehne, Manfred Kanthak A research project on behalf of the Federal Office for Environmental Protection aims to assess the quantity, the management and the aspects of resource preservation of commercial solid wastes. Download |
Sensorbasierte Sortierung zur Erzeugung einer Deponiefraktion aus einer MBA-Schwerfraktion B.Sc. Martina Meirhofer, Prof. Dr. Arne Michael Ragoßnig, Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Sommer, Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Simone Pieber Praxiserfahrungen und Vergleich verschiedener Aufbereitungsalternativen Download |
Sensor-based Sorting Systems for the Generation of a Landfill Fraction out of the Heavy Fraction of a MBT Plant B.Sc. Martina Meirhofer, Prof. Dr. Arne Michael Ragoßnig, Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Sommer, Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Simone Pieber Practical Experience and Comparison of Processing Alternatives Download |
Splitting of heterogeneous waste by sensor-based sorting as a basis for optimized material-specific waste-routing Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Simone Pieber, DI Dr. Arne Michael Ragossnig, Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Sommer, Alexander Curtis, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Roland Pomberger In the presented work material-specific sensor-based sorting was evaluated for its technical application on heterogeneous wastes on a pilot and a large scale, in order to optimize the routing options of waste streams in an economically attractive way. Download |
Self-Ignition of deposits containing recycling materials – an Underestimated Phenomenon Dr. rer.nat. Anka Berger, Dr. rer. nat. Simone Krüger, Dir. u. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Krause Fires on waste dumps, surface landfills, underground stowing or storage facilities of recycling factories may have multiple harmful effects on individuals on site and on environment. Download |
Aufbereitung und energetische Verwertung der heizwertreichen M(B)A-Fraktionen in Deutschland Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Balhar, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Flamme, M.Sc. Jennifer Grünes In Deutschland werden derzeit 46 MBA-Anlagen und etwa 20 bis 30 MA-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von rund 8 Mio. Mg betrieben. Die meisten Anlagen verfügen inzwischen über fast 6 Jahre Betriebserfahrungen und haben sich zu einer wichtigen Säule in der Abfallwirtschaft entwickelt. Download |
Processing and energy recovery of high calorific M(B)T fractions in Germany Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Balhar, M.Sc. Jennifer Grünes, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Flamme In Germany, there are currently existing 46 MBT-Plants and about 20 up to 30 MTPlants operating a total capacity of around 8 million tons. Most of the plants meanwhile possess about almost 6 years operating experience and became an important part of Germany's waste industry. Download |
Herstellung und Einsatz von Ersatzbrennstoffen (EBS) in Österreich Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl E. Lorber, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Renato Sarc, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Roland Pomberger Es wird über die österreichischen Erfahrungen bei der Aufbereitung, Qualitätssicherung und dem Einsatz von Ersatzbrennstoffen (EBS) in Mitverbrennungsanlagen berichtet und es werden darüberhinaus potentielle Probleme wie z.B. Brandrisiko und Anlagenkorrosion angesprochen. Download |
Production and Application of Refuse Derived Fuels in Austria Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl E. Lorber, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Renato Sarc, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Roland Pomberger The contribution reports on Austrian experience in processing, quality control and industrial application of refuse derived fuels (RDF) in co-incineration facilities as well as potential problems such as fire risks and plant corrosion. Download |
Decoding interdependencies between primary and secondary raw material markets by means of the Capacity Model Mag. Dr. Hannes Klampfl-Pernold, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Roland Pomberger, Ing. Mag. Gerald Schmidt On the basis of the well-known life-cycle-concept the Capacity Model presents an explanation approach for the interdependencies between primary and secondary raw material markets alongside the life-cycle of different waste materials. Depending on site capacity and waste amount the price for a certain waste material is either determined by the disposal market or the energy and raw material market. Download |
KOMPOFERM® - Modular Waste Transforming Systems for MBT Technology: Case Study MBT Varna (BG) Dr.-Ing. Iris Steinberg Bulgaria, like other new EU Member States, has a shortage of waste treatment capacity. This paper presents the MBT Varna, the first MBT meeting European standards in Bulgaria. Download |
Optimization of MBT considering Energy Efficiency and Protection of Resources and Climate Dr.-Ing. Ketel Ketelsen, Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Kanning, Dr.-Ing. Carsten Cuhls In 18 out of 46 MBTs in Germany biological treatment of organic-containing fine fractions takes place with the aim of achieving the deposition criteria exclusively through aerobic rotting. Thus energy potentials contained in the fine fractions are not utilized. Download |
Optimierung von MBA unter Energieeffizienz-, Ressourcen- und Klimaschutzaspekten Dr.-Ing. Ketel Ketelsen, Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Kanning, Dr.-Ing. Carsten Cuhls In 18 von insgesamt 46 in Deutschland betriebenen MBA wird die bei der Behandlung der Siedlungsabfälle verbleibende Restfraktion in Rottestufen biologisch oxidiert ohne Nutzung des Energieinhaltes der biogenen Abfallbestandteile. Im Rahmen einer Studie für das Umweltbundesamt wurde untersucht, in welchem Umfang mit der Nachrüstung von Rotte-MBA mit einer Vergärungsstufe die Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz dieser Anlagen deutlich verbessert werden kann und welche Auswirkungen sich auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der MBA ergeben. Download |